
The MISSION & VISION of Valtorta College is to 1. provide our students with an all-round education which includes the aspects of Virtue, Knowledge, Health, Community Spirit, Aesthetics and Spirit

本診所提供貓、狗、兔、龍貓、鳥、鼠、龜、魚類及兩棲類寵物...醫療 Our Clinic Welcomes & Cares for ALL CREATURES great or small.
寵物 / 獸醫大埔獸醫診所(珍禽・異獸) / Tai Po(All Creatures)Vet Clinic

This well maintained home situated in the most terrific location in Hong Lok Yuen. Magnificent open mountains view overlooking the whole Hong Lok Yuen below.
W物業地產 / 住宅出租William Ho Design Associates Ltd

有利長期防疫身心健康,買家免佣,空氣流通,宜居家工作,交通方便,即買即住,罕有東南開陽, 能欣賞美麗日出日落,大露台陽光充足可種植, 冬暖夏涼,·裝修新淨,間隔實用,數分鐘到港鐵站,方便親近大自然,有管理低密度屋苑,約業主睇樓WhatsApp 54839115


本公司專營康樂園、大埔豪宅及舖位十數載,客多盤齊,業務範圍包括一、 二手買賣及租務,另代辦大型裝修及設計,信譽超著。
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