🔥芊雯中文補習學院是全港唯一一間獨門專補中文1對1的教育中心,由7A*級碩士狀元14年經驗中文專家Miss Wong深入教IB中文補習 | DSE中文補習| IGCSE中文補習| MYP中文補習答題秘技+專為每個學生度身編製應試訓練題目100%學生已經考奪A或5**成功入大學#中文補習 #補習 #私人補習 #ib中文補習#dse中文補習#ib中文#igcse中文補習#myp中文補習
教學進修 / 補習IB•DSE Chinese Specialist Miss Wong🔥Chin Man Chinese Academy

Soybean oil - crude, unrefined, extraction, fat, vegetable, natural, liquid. It is made from seeds (beans) of soy commodity, the first grade, DSTU: 4534:2006. Without GMO.

痛症處理 。註冊中醫疼痛學管理 。手法治療 。筋膜刀 。干擾波治療 。伸展運動。運動復康治療。

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So Klose is a multi award-winning matchmaking and dating services company which has been an ISO9001:2008 certified matchmaking and dating services company since 2011, first within the industry in Asia, and was recertified by SGS in December 2014 --So Klos

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Master degree holder with professional teaching certificate, Certified National Putonghua Proficiency Test – First Class, former university lecturer and executive mandarin teacher

運動及健身 / 場地出租The Park Fitness

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Unlimited online tutorial for a fix price for $1000 including 2 hour face to face tutorial +'' 2 hour SKYPE tutorial (Promotional offer for first 20 students only) ''
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詠春 永春白鶴拳 剛柔流空手道 兒童及青少年武術培訓班 Kickboxing Fitness 瑜伽班 舞蹈班 場地租賃
I運動及健身 / 武術IMA-TrainingCentre

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瑜伽不只可以減肥,更可以為身體帶來健康體魄。經常聽到坐辦公室的女士問邊度學瑜伽好, Anita Wong是註冊瑜伽導師,在柴灣祥利街祥達中心Y+ STUDIO開辦社區瑜伽班,適合港島區居住或上班的女士報讀,多練可促進血液循環、減壓、幫助身體排毒及改善肌肉疲勞,是愛運動及愛美女士的喜訊!

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