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Fashion Beauty Makeup Artist-專業新娘化妝,謝師宴化妝,宴會化妝,舞台劇化妝,姊妹,奶奶化妝,報章雜誌化妝,團體表演化妝等
m結婚 / 化妝及髮型makeup.sophie

Best Price for Korean Cosmetic Brands
k買賣及批發 / 美容kycmarketing

Jewellery Photography, product shooting, fashion product shooting

小班教學 - 在韓國以「4人一組」,由「廣東話批發翻譯」全程帶領到韓國批發市場。學員可在韓國直接認識當地的買手公司後,便不需要預繳任何費用,就可用「零 」成本在香港銷售每日平均約數百款由韓國直接進口的正品,產品包括有化妝品、護膚品及女裝產品等。

Professional Make-up Service available | Based in Hong Kong | In collaboration with C.Y. Fan Photo ( | Fashion, Sports, Event Make-up with hairstyling | Professional Portrait Photog
美容 / 化妝CY Fan MUA

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買賣及批發 / 時裝配飾- 女士服飾WeDress.HK 韓國女裝折扣網

The goal of our online store is to provide consumers around the world with products at near wholesale prices. Our experience and relationship with major distributors allow us to offer heavily discount


MIZU 主要售賣女裝大碼衫加大碼衫,是香港大碼女裝自家設計品牌及也有售賣其他品牌大碼女裝的網店, 款式分別有簡單款和時尚款,我們會推出更多最新最適合的大碼衫給大家,呎碼最多為XXL-XXXL。👚👕👗 MIZU - The main sale of womens plus size clothing XXL size to XXXL size, Hong Kong plus size

Her other fashion narrative film Refraction was in competition at the Shaded View on Fashion Film in Paris and was shown to an international audience at the Centre Pompidou.
R設計 / 時裝設計

Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

小班教學 - 在韓國以「4人一組」,由「廣東話批發翻譯」全程帶領到韓國批發市場。學員可在韓國直接認識當地的買手公司後,便不需要預繳任何費用,就可用「零」成本在香港銷售每日平均約數百款由韓國直接進口的正品,產品包括有化妝品、護膚品及女裝產品等。
O教學進修 / 消閒興趣 - 其他課程Online Marketing Leader

Design Programmes: Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design, Interior Design.
M設計 / 教學進修Marketing Dept

承接各類針梳織男女時裝紙樣及初辦縫製,從事二十多年紙樣制作,能看圖出樣並提供專業意見,準時交付,價錢合理。可代安排綉花 / 印花,價錢以綉花廠 / 印花廠報價為準。

 At Macau’s City of Dreams, you can experience an array of dazzling entertainment, luxury accommodation, international dining and designer fashion brands with great ways to win more.

Retail Oriental Rings, Earring, Necklace, Bracelet, Pendant, silver jewelry
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