In the Beginning The story of La Salle begins in 1917 when the Brothers of St. Joseph's College opened a junior school on Chatham Road, near Rosary Church. Kowloon was expanding rapidly at this time

Elephant Grounds 餐廳位於半山堅道61號地舖

Elephant Grounds 餐廳位於尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號Victoria Dockside K11 Musea7樓705號舖

Elephant Grounds 餐廳位於上環荷李活道233號荷李活商業中心地舖

Elephant Grounds 餐廳位於灣仔永豐街8號永豐大廈地舖

Elephant Grounds 餐廳位於銅鑼灣Fashion Walk百德新街42-48號地下C舖

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