Eurocave 5290 專業雙溫度調節酒柜, 頂級酒柜, 法國製造, 可存放162瓶酒 (96 紅/66 白), 電子兩區溫度調節: 白酒(6°C -12°C)/紅酒 (16°C – 20°C), 柜門有鎖, 響鬧系統(門沒有關好, 濕度出現問題, 柜內溫度太高或太低), 適合高級餐廳及愛酒家庭使用, 九成半新, 原價HKD36,000.

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Rarely used, Excellent condition (as new) Selling it because I got iMac for my birthday. Comes with all the accessories. Specs are as follows: Clean instal of 10.11.4 (OS X Yosemite) 2.2GHz Processor

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