An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.

With over 20 years of experience in Hong Kong, Adecco is well positioned to assist organisations in building successful teams and to help individuals progress in their careers. Adecco is the leading H

‎ 2011年又有最新駁髮技術面世啦,真係城中靚女既大喜訊!! 今次最新既技術係~ , 膠紙駁髮技術~~ 其實係針線4cm闊 髮片製作,覆蓋度高,就算短髮或本身bob頭者都好適合 髮片均衡放在髮根上,不容易令頭皮造成敏感 時間只需45分鐘,比其他方式駁髮快達2小時完成 美國(全美模特兒比賽) 均用呢個方法幫參賽者改變型像 挑起一小撮頭髮,以塗上膠水一面的髮片墊底 2011空運到港 德國~

物業地產 / 地產代理公司新力地產有限公司


We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

E & J Floral Co. Tel : (852) 2604 1493 Fax : (852) 2607 1493 Mobile : (852) 9275 1493 Hong Kong Office : Unit B2, 13/F., Tung Chun Industrial Building, Block A, Nos.9-11 Cheung Wing Road, Kwai Ch
E鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽E and J Floral Co

我們的服務範疇如下: - 咭片設計 - LOGO商標設計 - 宣傳單張設計 - 書刊設計 - 小冊子設計 - 信封及信紙設計 - 海報設計 - 雜誌廣告 - 易拉架設計 - 包裝設計 - 餐牌設計 - BACKDROP設計 及 - 印刷服務 歡迎查詢報價: 林先生


MIND-HAIR 是個以髮型資訊為主題的生活網站。

provides Reliable, Enthusiastic Creation service
R設計 / 室內設計RE Creation Co. Ltd.

I am professional in product design and I have over 7 years solid experience in product design, especially designing European style, US style electronic and electrical products.
設計 / 產品設計Dean Chan

MIND-HAIR 是個以髮型資訊為主題的生活網站。

Company Information: 敝公司專門代客生產設計各類款式石英手錶、錶鉭及小型檯鍾。更在深圳 自設生產線廠適合各公司、牌子形象作禮品及OEM之用,在市場成為專 有及暢銷。現附上目錄乙份,僅作參考之用。其它款式為客戶專有,不能 盡錄。如有任何報價歡迎來電查詢。 此致 We are manufacturers of watches, insert watches, small meta
M設計 / 珠寶設計Mr. Kenneth Ng

"GOA" poise body & shocked absober Electronic brake force distribution with ABS 7-speed super CVT +/- Engine immobilizer Smart Key HYBIRD body kit HYBIRD Chrome grille HYBIRD Rear lamp

c美容 / 髮型設計及護髮city cut hair salon
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