倫敦大學學院(University College London)心理學系一級榮譽畢業生提供IB/GCE A Level/IGCSE 補習服務 (in person or online) 我在A Level 中屢獲佳績,在個別試卷更獲滿分。 Subjects: Psychology, Mathematics and Statistics 本地DSE 可提供英文科輔導 小學全科除中文 初中英數

大學論文指導 Private tutoring (help in assignments, essays, theses, or dissertations) for university students to improve your all-around academic skills
h教學進修 / 專業課程hkprivate.student.tutoring

想做絕育之前留後。有意pm or WhatsApp 96834568
j寵物 / 寵物配種jimlam911

豐富授課經驗: 私人英文補習 Online or face-to-face tutorial 私人IPA Class及Phonics Class 非華語英文小學功課班 English Playgroup NET teaching assistant Please Whatsapp 67360661 Ms. Anne IG: https://www.instagram.com/eng_tutor_
教學進修 / 語言課程Private English Tutor


Family breed cute cute 6 babies Unable to keep them all, we have 4 babies available, i hope to find a nice family for them. pls msg or call to check the prices. 可以講中文。
E寵物 / 寵物轉讓EFLZ Family

沙田第一城四期車位,郵局對面,近閘口。 No 21 細位,可泊 1500 cc 以下 如 Jazz mini Echo 月租:2000$ 如有興趣者, 請致電 59023000 郭先生 or PM ( 地産免問)

😷 3-ply Medical face mask 💕 Ship from Hong Kon 🔹PFE>95% or 99.9%🔹 🔸BFE>95% or 99.9%🔸 ✅International standard: EN149:2001💊FFP1✨FFP2⭐CE0194🚨N95🚑

😷 3-ply Medical face mask 💕 Ship from Hong Kon 🔹PFE>95% or 99.9%🔹 🔸BFE>95% or 99.9%🔸 ✅International standard: EN149:2001💊FFP1✨FFP2⭐CE0194🚨N95🚑

助行架狀況良好,但有筆劃痕跡;鋁輪椅輕身,狀況良好,腳掌板可扭開拆開,附送雨披;港鐵交收。請出價 Feet pads of aluminum wheelchair can swing and split, with a raincoat; trade in MTR. Please offer price.
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

有香港醫用用的醫用外科口罩出售,BFE&PFE>99%, 歐盟EN14683 TYPE IIR 和美國ASTM 2100 LEVEL II, 有意聯繫黃生 HENRY WONG, 手機WHATSAPP: 90128145 OR 68733676, THANKS
健康及醫療 / 買賣交易香港醫院用的醫用外科口罩出售

書法班上環or黃竹坑繪畫班/ 港島畫室(上環地鐵A1,A2出口附近or香葉道(黃竹坑站附近) 耘妮(Winnie)老師畢業於香港理工大學設計系及廣州美術學院美術教育系,多年教畫經驗,輔導學生比賽得國際大獎
教學進修 / 繪畫、手工藝耘妮(Winnie)老師

+ Room with three working stations is HK$8,000 per month all included. Room with two working stations is HK$6,500 per month all included. + Long or short term lease is welcome

hotsell popular type e-scooter with very competitive price.

BonTakeng is the strongest 24-hour air conditioning and electricity maintenance company in Hong Kong. If you have any problem of air conditioner or electricity, please feel free to contact us.

🌟愛心靈工作坊專營場地/課室短期時租或日租之用,大房可容纳30人講座形式or 24人檯+椅上課形式or 20人U型擺位;另設细房可2-4人使用(合二人治療或小型會議);場地樓底特高,大房可作光暗燈調教;投影機、小型音响、無線咪、白板、影印、瑜伽墊等可供免費借用,更有專人set up 場地。 地點:長沙灣永康街18号永康中心2樓B室(合開班,課程,工作坊,興趣班,講座,身心靈班..等等之用.)

We are looking for turism, aquaculture or agriculture companies for sale or association on our investment of 736 hectares(1.819 acres) of fish ponds in concession for 45 years, from 2007 to 2052, in t
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