課程: Ruth Miskin – RWI, Comprehension & Writing, Cambridge & Phonics

*【時薪$57】* 工作地區◢尖沙咀 廣東道 工作負責◢辦公室文員助理 幫手送下文件 + 幫公司copy影印文件會教你做! 工作時間◢可選其一 > 早上0900-1800 9h / 早上0930-1830 / 早上1000-1900 工作日子◢散工有1天❗ 9月29日 星期四 需要人數◢1至3人(男) 請快報名!! 到達教學◢於地鐵佐敦站A出口出約步行4-7分鐘即可到達!

We are offering offer different levels of business writing services to working group living in Hong Kong for Employment related, business proposal, etc
H商業 / 顧問HK Kings and Assignment Writer

We are a group of experts in providing college level assignment & dissertation coaching & writing services (Management, Finance, Economy, Marketing, Supply Chain, etc.) 100% Self creation
H教學進修 / 學術諮詢HK Kings and Assignment Writer

j教學進修 / 專業課程jessicayip066

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

港大法學及文學士雙學位課程學生  HKU Law and Literature Student (BA&LLB) 香港中學文憑試 英文 5** HKDSE ENGLISH 5** 雅思國際英語考試 8.0 IELTS 8.0 補習 Tutor 論文 Thesis/Essay 履歴 CV 自我介紹 Cover Letter 書信 Letter 作文 Writing  功課 Homework
t教學進修 / 補習tinkwanchan

✨✨✨真實好評節錄絕不取巧,待您親身體驗。Little Hopper旨在創造英語語境,培養學生對英語的興趣,鼓勵同學自主學習,不懼怕英語。✨✨✨ 報名查詢:歡迎PM/Whatsapp: wa.link/pet7tf 💯耐心教導、💯課後支援 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ - 針對香港學生寫作弱點 - 教授文章結構 - 寫出正確句式 - 範文及好句賞析
l教學進修 / 補習littlehopperenglish

本公司提供影印機 打印機 維修 買賣 租售服務,租機月費150起,歡迎 查詢:66963904

由英國老師教授,確保您的小朋友學習正確英國英語發音。針對幼兒的學習能力ability、需要needs和興趣interests,採用合適的教學方法(different approach)。免費試堂/評估,設計針對性及個人化的課程內容,包括Phonics, Early reading, Creative writing等。
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

班底包括英文系,數理系畢業-三大碩士,其他包括八大商學院,法律系,公共行政,中文系,畢業生及English native speakers 成員全擁Second upper Honours 以上畢業(GPA3.3 ABOVE),Your Writing-Expert Your professional academic assistant
教學進修 / 學術諮詢Save Your Grades Team HK

Copywriting, Editing, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Translation, Proofreading
商業 / 撰稿wordphilocaly

If you search for contribution in reading and writing for DSE English exam, kindly contact to negotiate tutorial class. Lucas

影印機 打印機 維修 賣買 租售 租機 月費 $150 起 ,(可 COPY,PRINTER,SCANNER,FAX 本公司提供影印機 打印機 維修 買賣 租售服務,租機月費150起,歡迎 查詢:66963904

愛爾蘭男老師專門教授: -Phonics -Cambridge -Story telling -Homework Checking -Writing -Speech and Grammar 上門教授或同老師家(大水坑),亦可到其他地區上門教學.適合歲數:1至12歲小朋友 有興趣可聯絡: 6168 9991 (whatsapp 或致電)
L親子 / 補習Lulu

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

The premier Will Writing Consultancy in Hong Kong
p商業 / 撰稿pwillsfp
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