
室外晾衣架 晾衣架 晾衫架 室外晾衫架 掛衣架 灑衫架 灑衣架 T字架 上門安裝連料 公屋居屋私樓 單杆 雙杆 Drying rack Clothes horse installations & Home Maintenance

Duties:Clean floors, windows & stairs (40 steps each time) by hand, no mop; 3 bathrooms plus shower stall. Iron clothes. Daily drive employer to dine out and return, SAFE driving & keep car clean.

提供兒童拉丁舞課程資料及可選購拉丁舞裙,拉丁舞服及練習表演服裝-拉丁舞衣乖女裙,拉丁舞演出服,公主鏈,拉丁舞頭飾,水晶髮飾,珠片裙,珍珠髮飾等。Latin dance costumes can find in our website, www.latin3hk.com, Latin dance dress, Latin dance lessons and Latin dance clothes c

We believe, by providing high quality organic baby clothes, we can protect he future of the world that our children will inherit.

Perfect for folded as well as long and short hanging garments, can store a lot ofclothes and save space, in pure white, 78x190 cm, bought only 3 months ago ---- still brand new


~款式, 尺寸, 顏色可訂造~ NO MOQ
家居 / 鋁質、玻璃及不銹鋼德成模特兒衣架公司

門市有現貨, 歡迎查詢 Wts app 查詢 客戶可提供尺寸, 顏色訂造 NO MOQ 德成CONCEPT在二零零四年成立於香港,在短短時間已得到不少客戶的應同和肯定,本公司一貫以【潮流隨我,我創潮流】的宗旨,為客戶度身訂造、符合客戶實際需要的貨品,為廣大客戶提供最新最齊全的貨品。本公司深信,產品設計要變化多樣、配合及了解客戶的需要,才能設計出令到客戶滿足的產品
家居 / 鋁質、玻璃及不銹鋼德成模特兒衣架公司

鐵架, rack, iron rack, 掛衣架, 衣架, hanger, 時裝店
家居 / 室內設計及裝修德成模特兒衣架公司

wedding doll結婚禮物,結婚公仔,來相訂造花車公仔,可錄音傳情意,回禮小物,Handmade custom wedding doll,wedding gift,MimicsDoll
m結婚 / 婚禮攝影mimicsdoll

wedding doll結婚禮物,結婚公仔,來相訂造花車公仔,可錄音傳情意,回禮小物,Handmade custom wedding doll,wedding gift,MimicsDoll

Located in Siena One, this newly renovated 3 bedroom apartment offers a rare opportunity to purchase a well laid out welcoming home.
物業地產 / 住宅買賣安迪Andy

EMBROIDERY ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG 香港刺繡協會 HONG KONG GU`S EMBROIDERY LIMITED 香港顧氏手工刺繡藝術有限公司 The company can undertake various commercial performance of hand embroidery Embroidery training for schoo
商業 / 教學進修顧氏刺繡

結婚布公仔量身訂造,可錄聲音,可變換服飾造型,搭配套件,各種款式,擁有屬於自己的迷你公仔~make your own dolls !
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