We are looking for turism, aquaculture or agriculture companies for sale or association on our investment of 736 hectares(1.819 acres) of fish ponds in concession for 45 years, from 2007 to 2052, in t

影樓租用,場地出租佔地面積約2000 呎, 16.5呎特高摟底, L 型白色 Cyclorama(Size: 3100mm W x 4000mm L), Chroma key綠色布幕, 特點設有獨立男及女洗手間, 獨立化妝間。

Fingerstyle指彈女導師,上門教授木結他 或 Ukulele,8年彈奏及夾band經驗,多年演出經驗



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We are looking for investors, partners or developer for a 736 ha (1.819 acres)of land located in the Danube Delta, Romania. We offer 10% commission if you recommend a buyer . The investment it is in c

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What's your children actually need when they feel confused on their instrument? PATIENT. Not only for them, but also for you. I can prove it by my experience. Take a look on my profie!
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出租器材: 1.Crane Jib -JMD Crane 7.5米 (for heavy duty) -Zolinger Crane 5.5米 -Zolinger Jib 2.7米 -Cinekinetic Mc Jib 2米 (for heavy duty) -Hague K1 Handy Jib 2米 (for light weight) 2.Dolly -Platform Dolly (

Tel: 6808 3090 ♬ Vocal Coaching*Classical Singing*Pop Singing*A Cappella Class*Music Theory

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