中環健身室 租場服務 地點及交通便利 (1分鐘到達半山扶手電梯) 健身場地 健身室出租 租場 鏡房 瑜伽場地 時租活動室 瑜伽場地租用 中環租場

學壁球-教授基本壁球知識及技術,如握拍、揮拍動作、正反手直/斜線球、 側牆球 、高吊球、短球、發球、接發球、步法等

耐心教學 - 歡迎 面授課、網上授課,有10年以上教授鋼琴經驗,教授學生中,由小童至成人不等,另教授金齡一族(50-65歲),已退休 或未退休人士,助他們重拾兒時的音樂夢想,採用日本YAMAHA YUS5 演奏級鋼琴授課。

五級樂理課程 星期三 5:30pm-6:30pm 19/6, 26/6, 3/7, 10/7, 24/7, 31/7, 7/8, 14/8, 21/8, 28/8, 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9, 2/10, 9/10 星期日 2pm-3pm 23/6, 30/6, 14/7, 21/7, 28/7, 4/8, 11/8, 18/8, 25/8, 1/9, 8/9, 15/9,

The Cheung Chuk Shan College Old Students' Association, hereafter "the Association", was organized by a group of enthusiastic graduates in collaboration with our Alma Mater - Cheung Chuk Sh

The College About The College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is a grant-in-aid secondary school in Hong Kong. It was founded on December 16, 1919, by Tsui Yan Sau Peter. It is a Roman Catholic secondary

In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

• 十年以上豐富教學經驗: 專注商科領域,擅長引導學生掌握學科精髓。 • 國際頂尖投資銀行及跨國金融機: 構專業歷練,提供獨到商業洞見與實務經驗。 • MBA學位: 深厚學術背景,精通各類商科知識與理論。 • 傲人教學成果: 歷屆學生遍及牛津、劍橋、香港大學等世界頂尖學府。 🎯 助您在學術與職涯上,取得卓越成就!
P教學進修 / 補習Professional

PIPS Hong Kong is now officially an authorized IB World School. PIPS is one of few kindergartens authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in Hong Kong. Our PYP journey began in 2006 when

School History Ying Wa Girls' School was founded in 1900 by Miss Helen Davies of the former London Missionary Society. It started off as a boarding school for girls and expanded to include a secondar

The MISSION & VISION of Valtorta College is to 1. provide our students with an all-round education which includes the aspects of Virtue, Knowledge, Health, Community Spirit, Aesthetics and Spirit

本校創立於1958年,原址為港島筲箕灣,後於1990年遷入馬鞍山。本校以「真理是尚」為校訓,提供質素優良及基督化全人教育,培育學生在德、智、體、群、美、靈各方面的健全發展,讓學生成為品格高尚、思想靈活、體魄強壯、慎思明辨、敬業樂群、有積極及正確人生觀的青年,以期學子能建立美滿及豐盛的人生,貢獻社會,服務人群,有堅定的信心和能力,面對各種挑戰。 遷入馬鞍山至今,經全校師生多年努力耕耘,無論在校風、

博愛醫院鄧佩瓊紀念中學學校歷史 博愛醫院本著多年來服務社群的精神於一九八七年九月一日創辦第一所中學,並以新界望族鄧公佩瓊太平紳士命名,以表揚及紀念鄧氏生平對社會之貢獻。 HISTORY Based on the spirit of Pok Oi Hospital in providing services to the community at large, it established its

導師家中/上門教學(將軍澳區及港島區) 教授各級(1-8級)鋼琴學生 。上課地點: 上門教學(將軍澳區及港島區)或導師家中上課,家中自設琴室,環境安靜
音樂 / 教學進修鋼琴老師Miss Hung

Our Lady of the Rosary College was founded by the Sister Announcers of the Lord in 1971. We follow the preventive model of educational philosophy founded by Don Bosco, the great educator. We move stu

佛教善德英文中學 Class Organization 班級結構 Level 級別 Number of classes 每級班數 Secondary 7 中七級 1 Arts class, 1 Science class 文科一班,理科一班 Secondary 6 中六級 1 Arts class, 1 Science class 文科一班,理科一班 Secondary 5 中五級 3 Arts

10 Carmel students represented Hong Kong to participate in the First Lego League World Festival held at Atlanta, USA between April 13 to 17. They were ranked 14th in the Robotic Performance Category

以人為本‧與時並進的課程特色 我們相信每一位學生都是有用的人,因此我們樂意竭力幫助學生有效和愉快地學會學習。而學校的課程是促成學生經歷學習,以致成功的主要渠道。故此,我校按每位學生的潛能,為他們提供以基督教靈育為核心,配合德、智、體、群、美並重的全人教育,同時建立學生終生努力學習的態度和能力,並培育馬可賓人成為積極主動、忠心盡責、清潔有禮、正直勇敢和坦誠關懷的人。 初中學段制 為銜接新高中學制,
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