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純正北京普通話,在香港出生長大,國家級水平測試一級:95.6分,美國加州大學畢業 [[Private 1-on-1 Beijing Mandarin Tutor, US Graduates]]
M教學進修 / 語言課程Mei Mei Lao Shi

純正北京普通話,在香港出生長大,國家級水平測試一級:95.6分,美國加州大學畢業 [[Private 1-on-1 Beijing Mandarin Tutor, US Graduates]]
M教學進修 / 語言課程Mei Mei Lao Shi

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如果您正在尋找一些團體企業的 廣告宣傳 禮品贈品,禮品構思或特別有心思的禮物, 不妨聯絡我們, 因為我們可以提供你所需要的行政商務 及 創意禮品

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士普通話 /公司企業教商業用普通話/國家級普通話水平測試備試);彈性時間及地點:電話:張老師69007908| Beijinger born in HK, Native in Mandarin & Cantonese, Grad fr US, Tst Level 1, Flex Time & Place ;Contact :Ms. Chang 690079
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf2015

We Design Source Deliver - Corporate Gift, We Listen to your needs, We focus on your concern, Promote your brand 富康禮品設計致力為您 推廣 企業形象 及品牌

Simply Hamper is an online hamper gift agency that specializes in curating beautifully crafted gifts to celebrate each and every important occasion in the lives of your favorite person or client. We h

Specializing in curating beautifully crafted gifts to celebrate each and every important occasion in the lives of your favorite person or client.

salon beds and client base, plus many many gifts, sell for only 10,000 hkd

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士 /公司企業/水平測試考生 );母語普通話&廣東話&流利英語;彈性時間及地點; 聯絡電話:張老師(69007908)
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf

We offer you unique and designer gifts, all providing great value for money. We will give you results, and improve the image of you.

Hong Kong Corporate Gifts, Premium Gifts, Souvenir Company 
g商業 / 文儀及精品giftking123

Singapore, Gifts, gift, Send, online, Send Gifts, Send Gift, Delivery
S鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Singaporehampers
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