Graduated with Masters Degree in Mathematics From Cambridge; GSCE/ IGCSE/ GCE A-Level Maths + Further Maths, STEP Section A, IGCE/GCE A-level Economics; Proofreading of UCAS Personal statement
c教學進修 / 補習cambridgemathstutor

(全職)國語女配音員 Job duties: (Mandarin) 1. Perform VO recording for game. 2. Native Putonghua speaker with Modern Standard Mandarin Chinese (MSMC) accent.

普粵語雙通, 繁簡體皆能。可教任何程度的學生及公司課程,尤其對成人及專業人士普通話,更具心得。可在本人於中環的寫字樓, 本人家中或學生家上課。 給你講北京的文化,中國的國情;帶你讀美的詩篇,說最標準的普通話。

Teaching scope: foreigners, adult Mandarin, company, trade, law, insurance, life dialogue 教學範圍包括:外籍人士、成人專業普通話,公司、貿易、保險、生活對話; 補習中文,普通話,朗誦,中小學中文寫作、修辭……幼兒普通話……面授或網課。師資有保證。

善長教授: (1) 普通話水平測試及基準試考級, 多年所教學生均取得優異成績。 (2) 專業人士普通話,本人教學多年,學生遍布政商,金融,律師,工程,教師,醫生等,經驗豐富,得到各業界學生朋友的認可。 (3) 普通話朗讀、朗誦、表演等。 (4) 普通話正音。 (5) 中小學生包括國際學校學生的中文閱讀理解,中文寫作技巧。 (6) 運用輕鬆,有趣的遊戲教學方法,讓學生產生興趣, 寓學於樂,倍受好評
f教學進修 / 語言課程faithbestseller

Are you looking for experienced Native Japanese tutor ? We can help you (No agency fee is needed for students). 想學多種外語有一技傍身?無論德文法文定俄文,總有一個導師啱你!
教學進修 / 語言課程精英外教 Elite Tutors

[劍橋畢業] 私人補習 A-level /IB/IGCSE 數學、物理 網上一對一 Maths/Physics online private tutoring for international students - Cambridge-graduate tutor
C教學進修 / 補習Cambridge Tutors

Are you looking for native German tutor ?【全港最多外教導師中心】-已協助多間幼稚園、中小學及教育中心提供外籍導師轉介,(學校/學生免介紹費)
教學進修 / 語言課程精英外教 Elite Tutors

ChinesePod is a Mandarin Chinese learning platform that provides audio lessons, mobile study tools and exercise, as well as individual online tutoring lessons, which are designed for learners of every
C教學進修 / 語言課程ChinesePod Limited

由2007年開始學習日語, 擁有10年以上學習日語的經驗 有多年教小朋友經驗,歡迎查詢 WhatsApp: 96234627

普通话等级考试一级 Mandarin National Test Level I, 5 months' experience with teaching 5-year old British child
S教學進修 / 補習Sherry Zuo

Native Mandarin teacher (female)with many years teaching experience,fluent English and Cantonese,if you re interested,please feel free to contact me,thanks 本人是北方人,母語為普通話,可講流利英文及廣東話,已從事20年普通話中文教學,做過多
m教學進修 / 補習meng19702000

中大生物,十年經驗。食物營養學畢業 - 補生物 補bio 補Biology HKDSE bio tutor 補習社 名師生物導師 : Maggie Chow - CU Food & Nutrition (Hons) 香港中文大學 食物及營養科學系畢業,擁有八年教生物經驗。 會考生物考獲A級,根據同學進度調節課堂節奏
親子 / 補習朗林理學教育

Experienced Mandarin Tutor have taught in the kindergartens/primary/secondary schools/students' homes more than 10 years. Students have won awards at many Chinese Speech Competitions. WhatsApp92450876

I'm a native Japanese tutor in Yuen Long! I'll practice Japanese speaking and listening skills with you! I have taught Japanese for several years in HK!
J教學進修 / 語言課程Japanese tutor

Master degree holder with professional teaching certificate, Certified National Putonghua Proficiency Test – First Class, former university lecturer and executive mandarin teacher

豐富授課經驗: 私人英文補習 Online or face-to-face tutorial 私人IPA Class及Phonics Class 非華語英文小學功課班 English Playgroup NET teaching assistant Please Whatsapp 67360661 Ms. Anne IG:
教學進修 / 語言課程Private English Tutor

Application essays for EMBA program and assignment essays for some university biz and biz-related IT courses (e.g. OXFORD'S fintech, MIT'S AI: Implications for biz strategy)

Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; Bachelor's degree in English; Working at an prestigious international school; A freelance Mandarin voice artist
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