英文補習老師盧sir為DSE 5**全職1對1補習老師,可到以下地區上門補習: 觀塘線/荃灣線/東鐵線/屯馬線/港島線/將軍澳線。盧sir除了教日校DSE及小六呈分試外,亦有教IELTS課程及成人英語,所有課程全為學生度身設計,能按個別弱項針對提升,比一般坊間大班教學更快取得進步。
R教學進修 / 補習Ronde Lo

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

香港錦標賽2018-團體冠軍九龍柔術! DONNIE WAN超過15年經驗教學,取得卓越成績! DONNIE WAN! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brown belt, Director of the Kowloon Jiu Jitsu (Tai Wai and Mong Kok ) since 2013
運動及健身 / 拳擊格鬥kowloonbjj-mongkok

Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

The Company has initiated to offer a 2-year guarantee services indicating its confidence in the products and to satisfy the needs of all its customers.
C汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠China Kong Auto Body Builders

本地樂隊DeepInside鼓手 2004年受邀到香港浸會大學開始教學涯,10年以上教學經驗,現於柏斯琴行任教,亦曾於多間學校及社區中心授課。2006年考獲英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院8級証書(Trinity College Drum Kit Grade 8)擅長類型:Pop、Rock、Funk、Metal等,著重基本技巧,手腳協調,拍子感及Touching的運用,亦會訓練學生Free Jam能力。

We would be pleased to meet you and give professional advice to you to get the perfect dress in the most important day of your life.
結婚 / 婚紗禮服Denisa Bridal Couture

Mexican teacher with experience in teaching for more than 5 years, well planned lessons for all kinds of students including kids, teenagers or adults

電: Victor 90831295 師承由William Bennett 授教的Alan Hardy。 從三歲起接受正式的音樂訓練 並持續在音樂範疇內不斷進修。 鋼琴,小提琴和長笛皆擁有英國皇家音樂學院頒授的八級考試文憑。指導不同學生考ABRSM, 級數由二級至八級不等。以活潑有趣的教授方法深得家長學生喜愛

Wow Make Up in Phuket have a team of makeup artists and hair stylists for all events in Phuket Thailand
M結婚 / 海外婚禮Make Up Artist / Hair Stylist in Hatyai

教授Excel進階技能 及 函數應用/ Excel VBA程式編寫服務,簡單易用/ Tailor-made lesson, straight to the point, level up in short period of time/ Strong VBA application development experience in various industries.

學生包括本地傳統名校生、國際學校學生、大學商學院學生、外國留學生、現職會計及金融從業員等。 BBA & MBA 學生均獲 A-B HKDSE BAFS & Economics學生均獲5 - 5** IB Business & Management 及 Economics學生均獲6 - 7 points 更有學生於考試穫取佳積, 得Oxford、Cambridge、HKU等著名大學取錄。
教學進修 / 補習shopesthk

詳情 「將軍澳寶琳站」 「三角琴教授」 「歡迎初級至演奏級學生查詢」 「考試及音樂節比賽專業鋼琴伴奏」

Who Am I? A Hong Kong Makeup Artist An experienced makeup/hairstyling artist based in Hong Kong provides excellent services that meet clients needs with satisfaction.
k美容 / 化妝kracemak

Hello parents & friends, I just relocated to HK with my wife for her job and I have some free time on my hands, I would really like to continue teaching.

演奏級鋼琴 上門 / 沙田教鋼琴 教授各級鋼琴 / 樂理 /伴奏/ 比賽 /考試

前拔萃小學老師 地區名校Band 1中學 小學正規教師 任教英文 英文碩士TESOL 香港大學榮譽學士畢業 五年留學英國經驗 教育局檢定教員
m教學進修 / 補習misstongtong

We provide one-stop aquarium design, fish tank, fish pond & aquarium engineering & maintenance service
A寵物 / 水族及爬蟲Aqua Studio 提供專業訂造魚缸、魚缸保養 (訂造魚缸熱線電話:2537 2362 / Whatsapp: 9518 1966)

Travel. Tour, Kashmir Trek, Tarsar Marsar Trek, Treks
m旅遊 / 旅行社mrskc999
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