搜尋 Artist

英國回流鋼琴家,作曲家及鋼琴導師,曾在皇家學院RNCM修讀鋼琴教學,作曲,Dalcroze, 音樂心理學研究等選修科。可安排於屯門及各區以英語、廣東話上課,免費試堂。電話/whatspp: 69404614 網頁: www.yuenyuenmusic.com

本店所有產品均由日本原裝進口,安全認證,防敏,防菌! Lash Artist is a lash salon solely dedicated to eyelash treatments. All products are imported from Japan, and have the relevant safety, anti-allergic and anti-bacterial cert
i美容 / 植眼睫毛ibeauteclub

化妝枱時租60蚊一小時, 最少三小時起, 700月租化妝枱 歡迎包場,練妝,教學, set頭,任君選擇 Freelance Makeup Artist 化妝師創業尖沙咀700, 800, 1000月租化妝枱, 練妝好去處,我們並設有私人儲物櫃讓化妝師不需要每次攜帶太多用具。地点位於尖沙咀,交通便利,只需數分鐘到達地鐵和西鐵,樓下巴士站和鄰近巴士總站。並設有私人儲物櫃,Wifi,背景纸,緍纱,

Who Am I? A Hong Kong Makeup Artist An experienced makeup/hairstyling artist based in Hong Kong provides excellent services that meet clients needs with satisfaction.
k美容 / 化妝kracemak

尖沙咀700月租化妝枱化妝位時租60一小時化妝枱時租化妝室時租 60一小時 700/mth 60/hr Freelance Makeup Artist Makeup Workshop For Rent
C物業地產 / 商舖租售Creative World

尖沙咀化妝枱時租60蚊一小時,最少三小時起, 月租化妝枱700/800, 歡迎包場,練妝,教學set頭,任君選擇。 化妝師,Freelance Makeup Artist練妝好去處,我們並設有私人儲物櫃讓化妝師不需要每次攜帶太多用具。 交通便利,只需數分鐘到達地鐵和西鐵,樓下巴士站和鄰近巴士總站。 並設有私人儲物櫃,Wifi,背景纸,緍纱,晚装,頭飾以供使用
C物業地產 / 商舖租售Coolstyle Productions

3D 效果圖 立體圖 渲染圖 Rendering Modeling Drawing Modeler Artist Freelance
P設計 / 產品設計PolySources

Wow Make Up in Phuket have a team of makeup artists and hair stylists for all events in Phuket Thailand
M結婚 / 海外婚禮Make Up Artist / Hair Stylist in Hatyai

B結婚 / 化妝及髮型Boey Makeup

👩🏼‍🎓學歷: 美國紐約大學碩士學位 (New York University) - Master of Art's 文學碩士 伯克萊音樂學院學士學位 (Berklee College of Music) - Bachelor Degree in Music因 *師承表演學院院長Matt Marvuglio 及麻省理工學院Affiliated Artist Jeff Harrington

Je prefere Nail and Eyelash Salon 經驗美甲師 •1年以上經驗 •與客戶溝通需要基本英語 •有睫毛經驗優先 -美甲師.美睫師:男女均可,歡迎日本美甲師及美睫師應徵 -薪金由15000至25000,視乎經驗而定 -有意應徵者請聯絡我們
J服務業招聘 / 香港區招聘Je prefere Nail and Eyelash Salon

Fashion Beauty Makeup Artist-專業新娘化妝,謝師宴化妝,宴會化妝,舞台劇化妝,姊妹,奶奶化妝,報章雜誌化妝,團體表演化妝等
m結婚 / 化妝及髮型makeup.sophie

WHO is AndyKo...? The director of AK Entertainment Consultant Ltd. He is the Hong Kong-based famous Award winning Magic Artist, Emecc, Award winning stage actor and Event Director. He performs in fluent English, Cantonese and general Japanese.
P結婚 / 婚禮演奏Professional Entertainer - Andy Ko

Ruby.K, 一位完美主義者,所以對每一個妝容也會用最細致的心完成,認為每一位新娘子也會獨特的氣質,所以喜歡以自然高貴的韓式妝容提升本身的氣質,配以空氣感重及突出線條既髮型,而且臉型的平衡感,輪廓的立體感等也是Ruby.K的妝容所執著的地方。
R結婚 / 化妝及髮型Ruby.K Makeup Artist

Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; Bachelor's degree in English; Working at an prestigious international school; A freelance Mandarin voice artist

PLEASE make your booking through my facebook page message/email/text/tel. THANKS!
l美容 / 化妝ladyhel

Y美容 / 化妝YukiMakeUp

K美容 / 化妝KK Makeup Artist

http://instagram.com/kikiyeung.makeup Phone:+852 64007941 💌: [email protected] _______________ DM for Makeup Styling Service :) 歡迎查詢香港各類型化妝服務
y美容 / 化妝yamasiadog9

S美容 / 紋身及穿環Solo Tattoo
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