劍橋大學畢業 國際學校/外國留學學生首選 專補數學物理 Zoom網上教學 可上門 Top choice for International School / overseas students; Maths and Phyiscs home tutoring / online class

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應急服務 / 傢俬電器維修上門維修蕭師傅

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; Memory funcion, control the order of PCB's pass in and out;
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate tonch LED buttons or touch screen control interface; The pnematic clamps of top and buttom three point provided for the magazine
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; FIFO(first in first out),LIFO(last in first out) and through function optina;
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

Wall Creative 相信藝術可以走入不同人的生活,塗鴉文化更不是只有破壞環境,我們與不同的與50個本地及外國的畫家合作,一起為城市中的餐廳及商店做牆身噴塗及裝飾服務,小至餐廳內的一幅牆,大至一幾層樓高的大廈柱身,我們也可以塗鴉。作品會先由初稿開始繪畫,經確定後再到場製作,一般一至兩星期內就可以完成。
w商業 / 建築及建造wallcreative

Counseling and psychotherapy and training -via cure of music,game,chat 企業社工 服務以音符,遊戲,傾談形式
H攝影及影音 / 節目及活動HK Venue53821618

Router management is critical to your enterprise network. As networks become more complex, technology has evolved to become far more sophisticated and carry out several important tasks that keep commu

畫班丶創意畫丶漫畫丶兒童畫丶木顏色丶油粉丶水彩塑膠彩 丶鋼琴丶樂理丶ukulele小結他丶Trumpet

Hey, are you looking for a tutor? I tutor both children and adults in english with over 4 years of experience!

MTR上蓋全海景Studio, 提供優雅學習環境

Are you looking for Air conditioner cleaning services? Then you are in the right place. AC cleaning provides you with a complete range of domestic and commercial air conditioner cleaning services.

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre provide a one-stop shop for technology transfer and commercialisation. 物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心提供一站式技術轉移及商品化服務
l商業 / 顧問lscmfp

本公司具10年以上經驗,舉行的生日派對超過 10,000個,擁有15位經驗豐富的魔術師及小丑,配合客人需要及小朋友的年齡去挑選最適合的給你,務求帶領整個生日會氣氛,令小朋友及家長盡情玩樂,帶給小朋友一個難忘的生日會經歷。🎉
R表演藝術 / 魔術RelaxingArtDIY

A Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Data Center (CCIE Data Center) professional is responsible for planning, design, implementation and management of the complex modern IT data center infrastructure
t商業 / 撰稿tekyworld

Provide different kind of design services include: Advertisements / Banners / Event Backdrops / Set Design / Graphic items / Storyboard / Digital Illustration and so on.
設計 / 平面設計Phazeone - Jova cheung

設有3個不同面積展廳 -畫廊咖啡閣提供餐飲小食 設備: -投影機以及2座LCD顯示屏幕 -Wifi無線上網 -掛畫配套 (路軌,掛鉤,射燈,展板等) -無線麥克風 -影音及音響設備 -閉路電視監察 -標准文儀用品.
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