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商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

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Product Name:Head rotor &Rotor Head&Cabezal Raw Materials: GCr15 or 20CrMn; Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:3,4,5,6 Cylinder

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商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

不鏽鋼工程,Stainless Steel Works,建築的幕墻不鏽鋼件及天幕,玻璃攔河,外墻裝飾板,環保設備的水缸及機器設備平台及管線和不鏽鋼支架,沙井蓋,樓梯,雨棚,防火門,欄杆攔河扶手,中電及水務的不鏽鋼貓梯,平台,沙井蓋,不鏽鋼門及百葉-YAM GOLD
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

挖掘及安裝鋼支撐系統,設計及組裝,填海圍堰設計,物料採購,製作及供應,鑽探鋼管及打樁鋼管的物料供應,S690型材的供應,Excavation And Installation Of Steel Support Systems, Design And Assembly.ELS-Works....
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

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T商業 / 會社、組織及團體The Australian Chamber of Commerce

If you are interested in buying any of our paintings, we offer you three choices: we will bring the painting (or paintings) to your home or office address for you to view it at your convenience; or y

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Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

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Welcome to The Asia Company ( HK ) Ltd., please sit back and enjoy our introduction and tour to our home page. Established in 1954, still remain the leading company in oil painting industry in Hong K
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝香港震亞有限公司

Attention to all the passionate ART LOVERS out there, who breathes, craves and desires ART Expose to the world for the very first time in Hong Kong . Exhibition: JLEE 360 Artist Reception: March 8th,

獨立300呎畫室,小班教學也可包場,擁有你的專屬美術教學空間 90呎開放式空間,適合手工藝工作坊、興趣班 及 其他教學活動 交通方便,旺中帶靜,一梯一伙商廈,私隱度高, 佈置舒服 私人Art Jam、訪談拍攝、網上直播 及 小型團體活動皆宜 畫架 / 畫具 / 長檯 / 椅凳 / 美術教材 / 茶水飲品區 / Wifi 等設備齊全 收費: 星期一、三、五 (10:00-22:00) 3
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