AJ SYNERGY PRODUCTION (ASP) officially established in year 2005 with an influence of international standards values on total event media management solutions. We have affiliated with our main local
A表演藝術 / 活動管理AJ Synergy Production

O-Square provides O2O solutions for our client, let each of our client has more visibility online and offline, in order to gain more lead and business opportunity.
O商業 / 市場策劃Osquare123

SUNDOWNER MAGAZINE Home Agent Services About AK Adventure Crew Gift Registry Travel Brochures Sundowner --> Media FAQ For reservations, contact your travel agent or call 800-554-7016 ©1996-2008
A旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Abercrombie & Kent (HK) Ltd

I am a private female swimming coach with experience teaching all age groups, from beginner to intermediates. Kowloon park pool Free after 6pm (Mon to Fri, Kowloon park pool, Sat to Sun, Fanling Poo

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士普通話 /公司企業教商業用普通話/國家級普通話水平測試備試);彈性時間及地點:電話:張老師69007908| Beijinger born in HK, Native in Mandarin & Cantonese, Grad fr US, Tst Level 1, Flex Time & Place ;Contact :Ms. Chang 690079
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf2015

Find Your True Corporate Voice | ISO 9001 : 2008 certified | All language pairs supported
B商業 / 撰稿BridgeLink Language Services Ltd.

Immanuel Consulting Limited provides professional services including establishment of business presence in Hong Kong and China; companies formation in different jurisdictions; corporate compliance to
I商業 / 顧問Immanuel Consulting Limited

Premier Capital Group was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1988. From its beginning as a joint venture with a US company, Premier Capital's dedication to client satisfaction has allowed it to be one of t
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Premier Capital Limited

Freelance IT Solutions 程式編寫 ,Software Development / Project Outsourcing / IT 外判服務 把你的 軟件開發項目外判(外包) $$$ Budgetted $$$ Solution $$$! Looking for a freelancer with commitment to quality and customer ser
C手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫CenturyTech Personnel Consultant Services

Graphic Design, Freelance 平面設計 Graphic Design, 公司形象設計、海報設計、LOGO,宣傳單張、刊物設計、包裝設計、各類宣傳印刷品
k設計 / 平面設計karie_620

- 場地設備:投影機、電視、音響設備、karaoke、board game、電子遊戲、開放式廚房、桌椅供應 - 一站式派對服務:到會、佈置、攝影、娛樂表演 (魔術師、小丑、party lady、Liveband、司儀等)、Face Painting、回禮禮物、彈床玩具、氣球、Candy Bar、手工藝、攤位遊戲、大型活動統籌等。
H表演藝術 / 場地佈置及出租Happy Happy Birthday

設計 / 產品設計傳統霓虹燈廣告字製作廠家

Event Decoration / Professional Audio Systems / Event Management / 場地佈置 / 專業音響 / 活動策劃 / 活動製作 / 音響設計 / 音響租賃 / 舞台 / 背景 / 背幕 / Backdrop / Stage / 展覽 / 婚宴 / 典禮 / 儀式 / Grand opening / 設計 / 廣告 / 燈光 / 工程

主力承接::住宅/辦公室/商舖等室內設計工程 [[We believe that communication with our clients is the best way to creating the PERFECT DESIGN]]
設計 / 室內設計OAK Contracting

主力承接::住宅/辦公室/商舖等室內設計工程 [[We believe that communication with our clients is the best way to creating the PERFECT DESIGN]]
家居 / 室內設計及裝修OAK Contracting

飲茶你知我知 ……..你是否 飲對茶 ? 飲錯茶 ? 茶是簡單,茶是健康,茶飲養生。 選擇適合你體質的茶飲 據體質的不同、季節的不同以及地域的不同來選用不同的茶葉; 利用各種茶的特性讓人的身體達到平和健康,同時也達到防病與治未病的效果。享受簡單健康的泡茶過程樂趣 ,改變自己心境界,遠離日常生活、工作和學習中的煩惱,達到養生的目的。
教學進修 / 消閒興趣 - 其他課程故鄉茶園 Homeland Tea Garden

Envision Design Studio 主要服務如下: (Interior Design 3D renderings)室內設計效果圖 (Product 3D renderings)產品設計效果圖 (Interior Design shop drawings)室內設計施工圖製作 (Space Planning Design Consultant)空間規劃及設計顧問 效果圖制作費用: 收費:
E設計 / 室內設計Envision
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