
E & J Floral Co. Tel : (852) 2604 1493 Fax : (852) 2607 1493 Mobile : (852) 9275 1493 Hong Kong Office : Unit B2, 13/F., Tung Chun Industrial Building, Block A, Nos.9-11 Cheung Wing Road, Kwai Ch
E鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽E and J Floral Co

☆創業首選☆尖沙咀高級美睫美甲中心 (可做美容或紋眉等半永久化妝服務) 《全頂讓》

尊業流行鼓課程 電結他課程 表演 Band房 鼓房 教學 練習室 租賃

位於天后水星街23號,瞬間直達天后港鐵站,提供開放式套房及兩房單位以供選擇 Located at 23 Mercury Street in Tin Hau, few minutes to Tin Hau MTR Station, offers Studio and 2-bedroom apartments

Better Motors Company Limited, a Hong Kong company established in 2000, specialises in selling & repairing of European and Japanese luxurious motor vehicles. We strive to provide one stop motor s

E-Plus Live Music: Wedding Band, Annual Dinner, Fashion Show, Party Gig, Plays Jazz Blues, Samba, R&B, Classical Music,

本髮廊於旺角快富街MTR(A2)開業己5年,一向服務己客為先,1200餘尺,地方闊大舒服.......洗剪吹。。70.。染色150起全包。。電髮150起。。負離子直髮200起。。。多年經驗。。。。。hair cut... 70...color150...ion strianght...200.....perm...200....treatment..80....monkok,,MTR(A2)..

hm PRIVATE i SALON is located in Causeway Bay district, another salon of PRIVATE i SALON Group, which specifically for young OL market.
h美容 / 髮型設計及護髮hm PRIVATE I SALON

中港澳滅蚊機專賣店- 220PV440 美國黑旋風戶外滅蚊機
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲中港澳滅蚊機專賣店-插電滅蚊機

Established in 2003, Limetea Design Studio specializes in producing unique one of a kind, customized wedding stationeries to reflect each couple’s individual style and needs. We promise each de
結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾喜帖設計

電鼓、電子鼓、Cajon、木箱鼓、爵士鼓配件、ROLAND、V-Drum、代用配件、Single pedal、羅蘭、ROLAND配件、二手電子鼓、鼓、PDX8、PDX100、KD8、KD9、PD85、FD8、Medeli、Alesis、COOBOX、網面、CY8、CY5、CY12、CY13、CY15、VH11、TD4、TD6、TD9、TD11、TD12、TD15、TD20、TD25、TD30、TD
音樂 / 器材買賣電子鼓及木箱鼓店

About Everfine Membership Service Ltd Everfine Membership Services Ltd. is a Hong Kong-based regional operation specializing in providing brokerage services for the sale, rental and purchase of golf &

$68享1次約90分鐘【排酸瘦身按摩療程】約45分鐘排酸瘦身按摩 + 約15分鐘胸部通淋巴 + 約15分鐘RF消脂儀 + 約15分鐘RF修緊塑形。疏通淋巴,有助擊走頑固脂肪,促進血液循環,排酸排毒,改善浮腫,達至修身效果。(參考價:$1180)
美容 / 面部及皮膚護理姬膚美顏水療程

代購 日本汽車包圍, 晴雨擋, 錶板 & 地毯等汽車配件 (c-frontier)內有很多不同的牌子. 請列明欲購的牌子, 型號及數量等.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠代購 日本汽車包圍

DKVN is a software development & consultation company, which was established by in 1995. Our Service include Network Integration, Project Management, System Development, System Design, Multimedia

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司
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