搜尋 AS

www.irocodesign.com is a state-of-the-art furniture sourcing and specification resource, easy to use and rich in detail, with everything you should need as a buyer - technical sheets, swatch boards, C

本人(女)於香港大學社會科學系學士課程畢業,主修心理學, 來年將修讀碩士課程, 曾赴英國名校讀書, 擁有4 A的GCE A-Level成績, 獲UCL offer。 於Psychology AS卷一:奪得76/80佳績!(Edexcel) A2卷一:奪取 80/80滿分佳績!(Edexcel) 於 Economics AS卷一:96/100 (AQA) 卷二: 93/10

25 Years Experience of TESOL (Cambridge Starters, Movers & Flyers - KET - PET - FCE - CAE - CPE - IELTS - Trinity Exams & more)
教學進修 / 語言課程Chris's English Classes

Native English Teacher born and raised in England. Jolly Phonics method. The Oxford Reading Tree. The Cambridge Kid’s Box. The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests and Trinity Examinations

" 影視‧動畫‧漫畫" 優質製作 "Film , TV, Animation and Comics" production
攝影及影音 / 電視及電影黃金種子工作室

IGCSE(GCSE) Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics / A-level and IB Chemistry
A教學進修 / 補習Alice Chung

Join Certified 200- hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in the capital of Yoga Rishikesh in India. Chandra Yoga International is the best Yoga School in Rishikesh, India.
c運動及健身 / 瑜伽chandrayoga

BOO, creates inspiring office and multifunctional spaces that provide an environment within which to work, to connect and to collaborate – a union of commerce, community and culture.

PMEG Academy 中心四大導師均畢業於世界排名十大大學學院*, 主修其任教科目並持相關工作經驗。並具多年教授IB, GCE, AP課程經驗及為相關科目之本地/英國準大學生提供預備課程。學生來自各大名校及頂級學府 包括: Diocesan Boys School, ISLAND SCHOOL, St. Paul’s Co-ed, Harrow School, Concord College.
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

IB tutor, GCE tutor, A level tutori, GCSE tutor, oxford tutor, ib tutorial centre hk, ib tutorial centre, gce psychology, GCE tutorial centre, A level tutorial centre

e設計 / 網頁設計education company

功能近似 Photoshop | Illustrator | Dreamweaver (有使用手冊/教學 video)
I設計 / 平面設計ITShop.hk

功能近似 Photoshop | Illustrator | Dreamweaver (有使用手冊/教學 video)

C教學進修 / 補習Chui Sir

現有2隻B, CFA 註冊,貓咪父母由德國進口, 擁有優良血統,並且有30天的健康保證 我們提供成長環境一流有CFA證書的異短 包註冊獸醫一針連針卡,大量相片/VIDEO可供分享 有興趣請 WHATSAPP: 63898222 JAMIE CFA Certified Kittens, 1 Exotic Longhair Calico and 1 Exotic Longhair Red White
J寵物 / 寵物轉讓Jalexia Cattery - CFA
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