實用面積: 830呎, 2房, 獨立洗手間, 可以即時辦公, 方便, 快捷往來不同地方.

導師介紹 本人於大學時修讀音樂系榮譽文學士Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music,並擁有逾10年教學及考試、比賽伴奏經驗,並持有3個英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏學位 ( Holder of all 3 ABRSM Piano Performance Diplomas),包括:本人於大學時修讀音樂系榮譽文學士Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

laser logo display sky laser show rental installation sales production services laser light shows corporate events film concert tours government research design laser Tribal Existance Productions
設計 / 設計優惠Custom International Laser Light Show Rental

提供鋼琴 / 圓號(法國號) 課程,課程透過: 公開演出及學生音樂會、比賽、考試、大師班、樂器訓練及樂理研習,課堂將以粵語 (英語輔助) 或全英語進行,教室採用符合考試標準之三角琴,有意報讀的同學, 請於上課前致電96294800 (吳老師) 約見面試, 評估演奏水平

[出租] 兩房新裝連傢電,位於中半山 房間數目: 2間睡房,1廚1厠,客飯廳傢電: 3部冷氣機,東芝LCD電視,洗水機,電磁爐, 雪櫃,抽油煙機及兩房衣櫃層樓: 高層景觀: 城市景起租期: 可即時合約類別: 年租包含: 管理費,差餉交通: 距離西營盤港鐵站只需5分鐘步行距離詳請:&nbs

租客免佣,附豪華裝修,連全屋傢電;毗鄰蝶翠峰,鄰近市中心,靜中帶旺,特別適合優皮族/新婚人士/無嬰孩家庭 大3房套,另設儲物房,客飯廳分明;附設露台,景觀開揚,飽覽元朗全景;備設私人會所 屋苑門口有紅色小巴、專線小巴(73)及港鐵巴士(K66)極頻密往返元朗市中心及朗屏西鐵站,附近「大馬路」亦有多條巴士線(53/54/64K/68M/68X/76K/77K/268C/268X/269D/276/2

Quasicom Systems Limited,a VMware, Citrix and Microsoft systems specialist, helps organizations safeguard their IT infrastructure investments by providing innovative and production proven solutions d

Tournament Result 2014 Champion of Kwun Tong Tennis Competition 2011 Champion of Wong Tai Sin Tennis Competition 2010 Champion of HK Master Games 2009 Champion of Yau Tsim Mong Tennis Competition

送pre-owned PEAVEY Bass Amp, 鼓棍, 即買即玩 大埔區自取, 任試. 此鼓主機部份運作100%正常, 收音部份如cymbal擦片等, 因屬損耗品, 音色當然不能和全新品比較, 合初學者練習
g音樂 / 器材買賣goldretr11

We provide application development and consulting services including Requirement Definition Study, Feasibility & Technical Studies, System Analysis & Design, Programming, Implementation and I
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫華揚應用開發及顧問有限公司

106 furnished serviced apartments together with luxury work & rest place. Great location, comfortable & home like feeling.
物業地產 / 服務式住宅木的地.R優越服務式住宅 

Far removed from the hubbub of family rooms and busy kitchens, the bedroom is the place where your day begins and ends. Trends come and go, and even now the furnitures of bedroom is evolving.
x家居 / 智能家居xpertgroup

We do amazing and professional photos, assist you to promote products & spread up your company.
攝影及影音 / 攝影AIMax Productions 大同制作

美國Musician Institute畢業, 擁有大量演唱會, 錄音, 創作經驗。美國風的教學,讓你可以更快及精準了解音樂

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We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark
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