cater to the needs of every occasions, be a bouquet of roses for a special event or lloral decorations for wedding receptions
B鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Bloom N Blossoms

The answer is "Yes"-We strongly believes and visualize that there is a point for every design work where value of appreciation and functionality meet.
A設計 / 平面設計A D創作社

The company is providing interior design services (Interior design only), participating in different interior design for residential, restaurant and office......etc.

The Company has initiated to offer a 2-year guarantee services indicating its confidence in the products and to satisfy the needs of all its customers.
C汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠China Kong Auto Body Builders

SRT, SpR, Sekhem 能量療癒, Access Bars, 動物溝通
h個人及社區 / 個人及社區優惠healingcrystalananas

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.

吊運 吊雞車 吊車公司 吊車搬運 吊機腳墊 吊索起重工具 日間服務 假期照常 電話:9839 6136 (李先生/鄭小姐) 電郵: [email protected]
K商業 / 重型運輸Kent Lee

租賃費 HKD 700 a day HKD 3200 a week HKD 5200 a month 聯絡電話 : 55281381 tsang / Whatapps 描述 PIONEER CDJ 1000MK3 NEXUS SPEC : Disc Format: CD, CD-R and CD-RW for CD-Audio and MP3 data
d音樂 / 器材維修及出租dsfdsfsdfdshdtfh5reyh5

All lessons take place in my home at Tai Kok Tsui, in a specially allocated room designed to motivate, inspire, and stimulate young minds. I have a BA (Hons) degree in English with Psychology & TEFL

甲級商廈 開揚寫裝 合教育零售各行業 港鐵沿線 最新商廈 餐廳最新銀座式商廈 地鐵沿線 寫字樓 零售 匯聚 全層長免租期 平均呎價@29
物業地產 / 商舖租售寶信物業

We aim at bringing quality Family Medicine and Network Medical Services, providing greater value in healthcare and health protection services to meet the demand of the general public in Hong Kong.
長者 / 健康檢查明康醫療香港有限公司

We are looking for investors, partners or developer for a 736 ha (1.819 acres)of land located in the Danube Delta, Romania. We offer 10% commission if you recommend a buyer . The investment it is in c

Non Frame is a studio offering professional works for photography and photo retouching. We have worked for multi-national companies who require high standards but without the high price tag.

博士主理,至2021年累積20.5年經驗 。博士級論文、編輯、研究分析指導輔導諮詢支援。 Essay, Assignment, Dissertation, Thesis, SPSS Guidance.

One of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited

20多年經驗全職女教師,美國大學最高榮譽畢業,任職司琴多年,個別教授兒童/成人 ABRSM 1-8級。教學認真,守時及有耐性。培育精英, 學生的ABRSM考試成績分數高達142。歡迎 WhatsApp Ms Janet 報名試堂 (免費)。

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results

Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$7,500/month. 世服宏圖在香港會所大廈提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣7,500元起。

Fully furnished and serviced daily on weekdays. Move-in with suitcase for a peaceful and hassle free stay in the heart of the Causeway Bay.

This features unrivalled scale and quality, and form a stunning Victoria Harbour Gateway with Two IFC on the opposite shore
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