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Sympathy 5304 Wooden stand arrangement: Stocks, lilies, roses, hydrangea, statice, eucalyptus, willow, assorted flowers ivy, and pandanus and foliage. 高身田園木架花籃: 日本麝香花、白百合、玫瑰、洋繡球、珊瑚花、尤加利、龍柳、田園襯花、長春藤、雀
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Premier Capital Group was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1988. From its beginning as a joint venture with a US company, Premier Capital's dedication to client satisfaction has allowed it to be one of t
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DesignOur "expert design service" means we can develop 'your' product idea from start to finish. We work only with the best artists and sculptors, paying attention to detail, innovating and

Alibre Design 11.0: Now Available! Alibre proudly offers the latest installment of its ground-breaking 3D CAD, Alibre Design version 11, which is now available to the public. Our latest performance e
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫普意科技有限公司

對上一次召集係舊年既事, 本身個 Project 打算用 C++ 寫 Game Engine. 有鑑於香港 Programmer 能力 或 時間 「不過如此」 舊年本 Team 變哂喪屍, 個個掛完名 Join 後都係行屍走肉 今年本人集返幾隻復活喪屍 Project restart, 暫時放棄對大部份人黎講幾高難度既 Memory Management, 轉做 C#, 亦即係DirectX f

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ETON Properties Ltd. is a prestige property investment and development company specializing in luxury homes, top quality commercial premises, shopping mall and hotel building. Developments where styl
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Modern computer technology is like a maze with many dead ends, LSL is concerned with providing the client with an appreciating investment and to control the deeply hidden costs of a modern computer s
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫東哲有限公司

About Central Equity Introduction Watch the Central Equity Corporate Profile video online --> The Princeton The Central Equity Group delivers quality residential properties in excellent locations. Si
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DUK LING is typical of the junks built here 150 years ago - a reminder of Hong Kong's origins when the taipans and opium traders settled on this "barren rock". Carefully restored to the hig
D旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Detours Limited

活動日期: 9月8日--0908 小組活動 活動地點: 待定 活動時間: 14:30 - 17:30 集合地點: 待定 集合時間: 待定 活動費用: $130 (已包Model費用) 匯豐銀行A/C: 014-9-076614 (Wong Yun Kin) 模特兒 : 清雯 模特兒人數:1人 參加人數: max 6人 工作人員: 參加方法 : 1. 請回覆本文(apply)報名及PM 留電話,不要

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S寵物 / 獸醫Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

MORTGAGE SAVINGS PROGRAM "FINISH YOUR LOAN EARLIER WITH PROPER PLANNING" Are you aware that if you borrow a RM200,000 Bank Loan for 30 years at 7% p/annum you have paid the following intere
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