Recovery Works is a Hong Kong based programme for individuals and families suffering from the effects of addiction to alcohol or other drugs such as heroin, cocaine or ecstasy. A multi-disciplinary t
1健康及醫療 / 康復1212 Limited

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards” Soren Kierkegaard The guiding force of my professional life is to find ever more effective ways for my clients to ov
M健康及醫療 / 康復Mind Matters

耆樂園護老之家 屬政府註冊私營安老院,塑造溫馨安寧的生活環境,現已擴充至46個宿位,讓長者們過著優質生活,擁抱大自然,安享豐盛晚年。 本園環境清幽,坐擁萬多呎平台花園,偌大的活動空間可供入住者自由活動,每日提供營養豐富的膳食,加上資深保健員和護理員貼身照料,社康及外展護士悉心護理,亦有註冊西醫期巡房,每周有物理治療師按個別及小組進行活動或訓練。 為照顧長者的心靈需要,本園亦有專業社工提供輔導服務
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