婚禮是非一般的宴會,每對新人都希望親自籌備,親自為自己的盛宴選擇各項節目;選擇自己心愛的同時亦需要有適當的安排:時間管理、開支預算、節目流程等等… 都很重要而當中與各供應商商討的細節並不簡單, 況且《最重要是將自己夢想或獨有的婚禮意念實踐》。The Plan樂意分享我們以往舉辦活動及婚禮的經驗,幫助您們「節省時間和煩惱」輕鬆地處理每項細節及瑣碎事務,令您們可擁有及享受對自己有意義的婚禮!
“The Plan” specializes in event planning, especially in wedding. A one-stop wedding planning service provider that is keen on helping couples to save time in searching unfamiliar information, to inspire ideas for designing a one of a kind wedding, to gain a balance between the plan with the budget, to prepare detail rundowns for achieving a smooth wedding flow, last but not least to solve all the problems of couples vs. parents, couples vs. relatives/friends, couples vs. vendors, couples vs. themselves throughout the process.
The Plan 提供專業的婚禮統籌服務:預訂婚禮婚宴場地、定製結婚戒指、證婚律師、婚宴司儀、場地佈置、婚紗攝影、婚禮服飾、化妝、婚禮