開放式, 裝修新淨, 連傢電, 即時入住, 足夠儲物空間, 免費wifi, 傢俱包括: (床, 梳發, 衣櫃, 餐桌連椅); 電器包括: (熱水爐, 44” LED 電視機, 分體冷氣, 雪櫃, 微波爐), 市區中心, 交通方便, 5分鐘到達尖沙咀東西鐵站 (方便往返國內), 5分鍾到達尖沙咀地鐵站, 有多條巴士路線 (往來香港各區均非常方便), 同時近天星碼頭. 15分鍾達理工大廈, 地鐵直達香港大學. 衣食住行都非常方便, 有很多不同類別的選擇.
租金包括管理費, 差餉, 水費和上網費.
長租租金: HK$18,000.00.
可以短租, 最少3個月, 租金: HK$22,000.00
聯絡人: 游小姐 (電話: 90397221), 可用whatsapp
Studio flat, fully furnished like a hotel suite, moved in now, enough storage space, free wifi , with furniture (wardrobes bed, sofa, dinning table & chair), electrical appliances (water heater, 44 inch LED TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave); in the downtown, 5 min. reach Tsim Sha Tsui East West Rail Station (convenient to China), 5 min. reach Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station, many buses route (can reach any parts of Hong Kong easily), also near Star Ferry, approx. 15 min. to Polytechnic Colleage, MTR can reach Hong Kong University directly. Many shopping malls, restaurants, a lot of choices.
Rent included Management fee, Rate, water fee &