OYEAH PRODUCTION 餐牌設計團隊匯聚富有熱誠的年青設計師。憑藉活力衝勁、嶄新思維、市場觸覺,專注為你的餐飲業務創造最貼合市場的餐牌與宣傳產品。無論是籌備開業抑或營業中的餐廳, 我們都能細心聆聽配合需要,為你建立最垂涎欲滴的品牌形象。
We are a team of young dedicated and passionate designers who do menu design. With our devotion and energy, we can bring you lots of brand new design ideas to create a series of menus and promotional materials that perfectly cater for the market and your restaurant. Suiting your needs, we promise to build up the most “delicious” corporate image for your restaurant.