瑞豐德永集團于2008年成立,總部位於香港,是全球領先的一站式商業服務提供商。在北京、上海、廣州、深圳等城市設有12家公司,擁有一支超200名的會計、金融、稅務等高級顧問團隊。 業務涵蓋海外架構設計、會計財稅、國際貿易、銀行開戶、投資移民、財富傳承、行政秘書、商業解決方案等 ,業務遍及全球20多個國家及地區,已為全球4萬多名客戶提供一站式商業解決方案及顧問服務。Richful Deyong Group was established in 2008, headquartered in Hong Kong. The Group is one of the world's leading one-stop business service providers. We have 12 branches in the Mainland China, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc. We have more than 200 professionals in Accounting, Finance and Taxation sectors. We provide services including Overseas Organizational Structure, Accounting and Taxation, Bank Accounting Opening, Overseas Investment & Immigration, Wealth Planning, Business Solutions etc. We have business in more than 20 countries and regions and have served for 40,000 global clients.