Gold Treasury Accounting & Finance Centre
Our mission is to provide professional accounting and taxation services at reasonable fee.
**會計: 按不同需要提供每月.每季.每半年.或每年之會計記帳服務,亦提供清理積帳服務
**報稅: 個別人士報稅表及有限公司利得稅表之填報及計算應繳稅款
**核數安排: 安排有限公司核數,所有審計報告由香港註冊執業會計師簽發
**填寫報稅表: 包括物業稅報稅表,個人入息課稅報稅表, 僱主填報的薪酬及退休金報稅表等.
Service Provided:
**Accounting/Book-keeping: Provide monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly book-keeping services according to company's need. Clear up cumulative unrecorded accounting transactions.
**Taxation Services: Tax computation & tax return filing for individual and limited company.
**Audit Arrangement: Arrange audit for Limited Company. Auditor's Report signed by practicing HK Certified Public Accountant.
**Tax Return Filling: Filling & submission of tax returns. Including Property Tax Return, Return on Salaries Tax and Personal Assessment, Employer's Return of Remuneration & Pensions.
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