Vanessa Bell
This is a story about the father and daughter team behind Vanessa Bell...
The Father - with more than 50 years of experience in jewelry design and custom-made diamond rings, he is involved from concept to production and all items are created in his own workshop. His aim is to provide stunning pieces jewelry at affordable prices to his customers.
女兒自小流連在爸爸的工作室,從小培養了對珠寶,首飾,時尚的興趣,長大後,當上了7年時裝設計師,於2014年毅然放下工作,前往英國倫敦工作旅遊,放眼世界一年多,一邊工作,一邊歐遊,曾於當地的高級鑽飾專門店擔任實習生, 回港後, 因為受到在倫敦鑽飾設計影響, 創立了VanessaBell. 一個由爸爸製造,女兒設計的品牌便形成.
The Daughter - spent her childhood in her Father's studio which was how her passion for jewelry design began. As an adult, she became a fashion designer and worked in all aspects of design for over seven years. In 2014, she decided to follow her dream and go to work and travel in Europe. Whilst in London, she gained experience in a local diamond shop as an intern. After returning to Hong Kong, with the influenc