3房2廳(1套房),實用率高,景觀開揚,全屋燈飾,家電設備齊(冷氣、雪柜、洗衣機、熱水爐、煮食爐、微波爐及抽油煙機),可即時入住, 屋苑有會所,兒童遊樂場,交通方便,鄰近地鐵,巴士站,大型商場及街市,租用費合理, 管理妥善

Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.


Manufactured in 2015 (printed on box) Brand new and still in box, no receipt available. Retail price at department store is $3890. Please contact for more information

日系優質比賽血統迷理長毛臘腸幼犬預定 出生日期: 25/02/2016 幼犬 3女1仔 3隻奶油, 1隻黑奶油 可見父母, 父母皆有FCI血統 可做國際犬協血統證書 如有興趣可聯絡Kit Ko , 91315443 / 63837478 , Tseung Kwan O 睇狗 詳情或瀏覽 www.zeuskennel.
z寵物 / 寵物轉讓zeuskennel
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