開放時間 : 2:00pm - 9:00pm (星期一至星期五) 1:00pm - 9:30pm (星期六、日及公眾假期) 查詢電話 : 3580 1675 婚悅展覽館 位於商場地下側門入口旁,面向彌敦道,由地下商場的走廊或商場大門口向太子地鐵站方向直行便可到達。展覽館內設客戶服務台提供各參展商及商場推廣活動的咨詢服務,歡迎訪客向我們服務台的職員查詢。

帝京酒店宴會廳 宴會廳位於酒店六樓,佈置堂皇富麗,大型落地玻璃可遠眺獅子山。高達十五呎的大堂, 配以典雅的大型水晶燈飾,更將宴會廳的氣派發揮得淋漓盡致。面積達 5,610 平方呎之無柱大禮堂,可分間成三間獨立廳房,適合舉辦小型宴會以至五百人的大型會議。 婚宴優惠 帝京酒店特別設計多款中西式婚宴套餐,為您和賓客締造歡欣難忘的時光﹗ 凡惠顧婚宴套餐滿 十席 或以上,即可享以下優惠 : * 住宿豪華蜜
RRoyal Plaza Hotel 帝京酒店

"The Ultimate Destination for Great Celebrations" 84 Gen. Luna Street, Guitnang Bayan 1, San Mateo, Rizal, Metro Manila, Philippines (632) 401-8762, (632) 721-4869, (632) 942-5967 Website:

“Devoted“ Wedding Cocktail at The Aberdeen Marina Club For life’s most important occasion, The Aberdeen Marina Club promises to provide you with an unparalleled and memorable experi

2 in 1「佳偶天城」已正式開幕 2 in 1是一個佈置多元化的全新婚姻註冊場地,佔地4,000多呎的證婚場地設有2個特色禮堂,分別以「浪漫花園」及「夢幻城堡」為主題。2 in 1更首創禮堂可轉換佈景,使場地充滿新鮮感。每個禮堂面積多於1,000呎,有70 - 80個座位,可招待多達100位賓客。2 in 1位處尖東,交通方便,停車場近在咫。場地鄰近尖沙咀海濱,可於浪漫海景前影相留念,步行前往
22 in 1 佳偶天城

MADISON'S Offering an inimitable combination of first class food, wine and service in comfortably elegant surroundings, Madison's is a relaxing retreat whatever the time of day - or night. With a var

Make your wedding day truly unique & unforgettabl, have the wedding reception of your dreams .
RRosedale on the Park - Hong Kong 香港珀麗酒店

Availablility of Marco Polo Prince Hotel I am planning my wedding in the beginning of the next year, now is looking for the hotel dinner.I am also intertested in Marco Polo hotel, Could you send me s

想係酒店擺酒15圍左右, 有冇好提議呀? 價錢相宜又ok的呢...... Thanks everyone~~ = 3=

本人出讓08年1月(星期六)都會海逸酒店-景逸軒之酒席 有意可留e-mail或聯絡方法,詳情我可send meun及bargain list 給你們。 本人聯絡電郵: [email protected]

適合生日宴會, 婚宴 出售項目:太子彩福皇宴 (美滿良緣全包宴 1-3 席) 已轉東星斑及原隻鮑魚及任飲 聯絡方法:[email protected] 有限期至:2008年2月前 (只限星期一至五使用,若星期六,日沒有酒席booking 也可使用)

婚姻註册及雞尾酒會套餐 (5:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.) 試想像於華麗禮堂裡進行隆重而莊嚴的註册儀式,然後再到浪漫花園舉行雞尾酒會,與至愛親友共度難忘時刻. 星期一至五 星期六、日及公眾假期 最底消費(50或以下) $7,888 $9,888 51-69人 額外每位收費 $130 $168 70人或以上 額外每位收費 $118 $138 此套餐包括 3小時埸地租用 於「夢幻城堡」進行註

Welcome to the Cosmopolitan - the Hong Kong Meeting Hotel ! Offering attentive service, state-of-the-art facilities and a recently furnished pillarless Xinhua Room, your event, whether it is a power
CCosmopolitan Hotel

Novotel Century Harbourview Ideally located in the Western District of Hong Kong Island, close to the University of Hong Kong and only 40 minutes drive from Hong Kong International Airport. 5 minutes
NNovotel Century Harbourview

With its fine harbour views and Central location The Hong Kong Island Pacific Hotel is both a convenient and a romantic venue for a wedding celebration. Couples book well in advance for wedding banque
IIsland Pacific Hotel Hong Kong

“Devoted“ Wedding Cocktail at The Aberdeen Marina Club For life’s most important occasion, The Aberdeen Marina Club promises to provide you with an unparalleled and memorable experi

EEta Wedding Planner Ltd

Bauhinia- Harbour Cruise is the unique floating catering palace in Hong Kong. With a fine touch of elegance, the exquisite "Bauhinia" is undoubtedly the ideal choice in town for entertain, sightseein
HHarbour Cruise -Bauhinia 洋紫荊維港遊

場地 佈置 全新推出場地佈置用品租借服務 : 現時大部份酒樓、酒店都會為一對新人附送一個簡單的場地佈置。 但有冇想過,這些場地佈置每一對新人都是一無一樣,一個模印出來的,當然就豪無特式,豪無風格。 若不選用酒樓、酒店附送的佈置 , 另找別的場地佈置公司重新再佈置 , 又好像浪費些。但又想有一個與別不同的場地,令人一見難望。 本公司新推出的服務就可以幫到您們 : [ 自由租借場地佈置用品計劃 ]
BBeauty flash Wedding Service
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