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AkolA Bridal 提供多款婚紗晚裝 ,揉合復古及現代設計婚紗 ,風格獨特。

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-30 刊登者: AkolA Bridal

徜徉在待嫁的幸福中,準新娘當然萬般期待,為助您達成願望,AkolA Bridal誠意獻上多款大師級經典婚紗及華麗晚裝,還珍藏一系列全人手製作的配飾、面紗等。 要讓您更滿意稱心,我們經驗豐富的服務人員會提供專業意見,細心為你打造出最合適且突顯個性的出嫁衣裳,締造最完美形象!

AkolA Bridal位處中、上環繁華地段,交通便利。因為堅持給美麗更多可能,所以從不同國家密羅搜尋,由復古以至現代設計派,全然展示其中。

毋庸置疑,AkolA Bridal的款式全部由頂級質料及細緻手工縫製而成。不論是法國的高貴蕾絲、名貴絲質綢鍛抑或閃爍耀眼的珍珠水晶,這裡也一應俱全,誠意為您度身訂造最獨一無二的閃爍衣裳。

誠如A.P. Stanley所言,我們同樣深信 “愉快的婚姻是締造美滿及豐盛人生的開始” 由閣下踏入本店的一刻,我們保證會挑選一切最好的,令您成為完美無暇的快樂新娘子。

At Akola, Our brides will discover a stunning collection of designer bridal gowns and evening dresses. 

In its central city showroom, Akola Bridal sources wedding couture from renowned dressmakers across the regions and we are talented to help you find out superb and exquisite pieces.

With the finest materials and sophisticated craftsmanship, we perfectly present every tailor-made bridal gown with timeless detailing, French Chantilly lace, duchess Satin and also luxurious fabrics. 

Akola believes that “a happy marriage is a new beginning of life, a new starting-point for happiness and usefulness.”(Proverb by A.P. Stanley)

Address: 上環文咸東街78號華東商業大廈1301室

Tel: 2185 7333

Website: www.akolabridal.com

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