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Aperture Prodction Co Ltd - 婚禮攝影 廣告攝影、演唱會攝影

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-22 刊登者: Aperture

Aperture Prodction Co Ltd

Ringo Cheung, as a photjournalist, his goal is to record every true and un forgettable moment. Shining smiles, touching tears are captured as a record of your wedding or special occasion that you will remember and treasure forever. His passion is delivered through each photo shot. He looks forward to a strong connection and perfect balance that can capture a touch of beatiful portraiture in his images. He loves to have fun and most of all, it's essential to him that you enjoy yourself... 

無懈可擊的攝影技巧Ringo縱橫影界多年,同時涉足廣告、婚禮、演唱會、fashion show等不同形式的互相沖擊下,多年來創意不絕,同時累積了相當豐富的經驗,靈活運用在不同的拍攝場面下,拍攝出最獨特的高水準作品。故此,無論雪山、沙漠甚至荒島,對於走遍世界各地的Ringo來說經以沒有難度,就說荒島那一次,務求盡善盡美的他,為了拍出完美效果,不惜走到水裡,回拍荒島上的新人。這種高難度,高技巧的拍攝手法,絕非一般攝影師能辦到。

香港上環永樂街 1 號世瑛大廈 4 樓
Tel: 24504743

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性