we have already been witnessed for millions of new couples in their wedding ceremonies. Capture of the most happiness moment is our responsibility. Also. we make their dreams come true!
ii-D Production

Light Creation Professional Photography, Lighting Assistant and Wedding Day Photographer, Wedding Day Photographer,Overseas Pre-wedding photography service
MMing Yung Photo

服務包括 開幕禮,活動拍攝(PHOTO)及 攝錄(VIDEO),個人証件相,畢業袍相,畢業班及團體大合照.婚禮拍攝及攝錄,團體或學校 ﹣典禮拍攝及錄影, 團體合照.
CCs Photography

攝影發燒友,學習化妝及造型.修讀了wedding planner課程.由主題婚禮、場地佈置、拍攝婚紗照、造型及化妝,以至小小的回禮物品,都代表著新人的個性及獨特風格.

Edmond Lai is a professional photographer in Hong Kong and experienced in taking weddings, events, live concerts and pet photos.
EEdmond Lai Photography

I enjoy shooting weddings I love the excitement, the beauty, and the pageantry. There is much in photographing a wedding that has to he done right, and done beautifully,That is my quest.
DDicky Leung Photography

services : wedding day engagement portrait maternity family product
nnicky photography

Services:1. Pre-Wedding Photography 2. Ceremony Photography 3.) Wedding Day Photography 4. Pregnancy Photography 5. Family / Children / Portrait Photography
SStevenc Photography

Can dissolve into our wedding theme unique artistic reach, whether it is''FINE ART''means the table Ta, sweet love style is the blue sky, or the advertising story style photography, we are bound to do
MMontage Professional Photography

Wedding photos should keep the emotions instead of stunning computer graphics with no souls. We aim to bring life into photography, rather than bringing photography to life.
MMice Photography

Couples who join my pre-wedding shoot package from now to 31 July 2012 will enjoy 20% off the original price. *Extra 10% off wedding day service fee will be offered for couples joining the pre-wedding
MMr Lawrence Chiu

專業攝影師操刀:本地婚紗攝影、海外婚紗攝影、具質素保證的婚禮攝影、家庭攝影、孕婦攝影及 寵物攝影等服務,滿足您所需.提供個人化服務,由最初洽談婚紗攝影各項細節,及選擇服飾、頭飾、髮型化妝等配襯,以至後期揀選相片,都有專人跟進,提供每一對新人最細心專業的服務.
CC.S. Style

mainly providing pre-wedding and wedding day shooting services.
AArtfeeling Production

My Photography has a wonderful combination of styles that include photojournalism, artistic portraits and stunning landscapes. Categories: OVERSEAS PRE-WEDDING, PRE-WEDDING, WEDDING DAY.

photography then became his high school hobby. services :Pre-Wedding Photography, Wedding Day Photography, Videography.
BBlaise Cheung Photography

全日專業婚禮數碼攝影及全高清錄影服務,收費為港幣 $9680,具多年經驗專業攝影師及錄影師,錄影服務: 早拍晚播 DVD 光碟一套 攝影服務: 相片幻燈片 DVD 光碟一套

Pre-Wedding, Wedding Day Photography Services
ssoloist photography

This is Hales Suen. A Wedding Photographer who was born with a sign of Aquarius based on Hong Kong.
HHales Wedding

海外婚紗攝影特價套餐:•攝影師一位 (Tony Chan) •化妝造型師一位 (Mika Noguchi)•免費補妝 •全日無限拍攝 •10”x14” 皮面無縫相簿一本 •至少100張後期修正照片 •照片JPEG檔案光碟, 包括所有原像素拍攝底片

We have over 800 superbly designed wedding dresses to fit your elegant favour. Not only has our photographers and videographers years of service experience,
BBride Groom
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