Each of the units of CANGAI Wedding Photo Studio complements one another and together they team up to form a professional wedding photo corporation that oFfers the most comprehensive range of services
TTop Gown

When you approach Dreamy TwinLink, we promise to take responsibility for all your wedding arrangements like your reception and backdrop decoration, wedding ceremony,makeup artist
TTwinlink Bridal

LLove Generation Bridal Photo Services Company

致力於提供新人更多的拍攝選擇,目的都是希望新 人可以愜意地享受婚紗拍攝的過程,並讓薇薇新娘的攝影專業打造兩人專屬的甜蜜世界。

We make use at simple. and clear design in their gowns to show. the graceful characteristic of the brides. we believe that simplicaity is beauty, and this is an eternal law in the world.
AA Wedding Role

Loving U 首創全日24小時任選拍攝時段,獲獎攝影藝術家主理;服務包括:婚紗外影及婚禮攝影(Wedding & Pre-wedding)、人像寫真攝影、孕婦攝影、家庭攝影、生日攝影、宴會攝影、派對攝影、旅行攝影。費用HK$1,000/一小時,包括攝影師及攝影助理,額外兩倍以上專業電腦相片優化時間,所有經基本電腦優化處理相片,每小時送五張專業電腦優化數碼相片,專業化妝,來回拍攝地點交通費。
LLoving U

Professional in taking portraits, capturing facial expression & atmosphere. Focus on the interaction among couples & people. “I am an ordinary photographer, just to take pictures for the extraordinary
RRichard Wong Photography

wedding video service , commercial video service , concept video , church video , music video , party video , birthday video
LL-video production

OUR SERVICES Wedding Gown Photography Wedding Photo & Video Recording Portrait Photography Family Photography Commercial Photography P.R. Photography Video Produdion Bride Make-Up & Hair Design
MMy Production

提供關於服裝造型的搭配、拍攝風格等專業建議,盡量給顧客"量身訂造"的照片,服務: 婚紗攝影 藝術寫真 個性婚紗 時尚寫真 婚禮策劃

Things We do! Hong Kong Pre-wedding Overseas Pre-wedding HK or Overseas Wedding Day Baby and Kids Commercial ( Product / Event ) Things We Like! Capture your important moment Share your happiness
PPaddy Leung Photography

婚紗的理解:婚紗是純潔、美麗、溫馨、神聖的,準新娘會因穿過婚紗感到幸福與驕傲. 創造扣人心弦的婚紗照,是我們的使命.利用全專業數碼化的拍攝器材,創新攝影角度,打破傳統拍攝方法;以多角度、自然、喜悅、 隨意和華衣巧妝,加上細膩的鏡頭捕捉,令準新人最甜蜜及幸福的畫面,流露在每張作品上,變成永恆的記憶.
MMr Yeung

服務:Wedding Portrait Shooting Family shooting Commercial art Shooting Event / Function Shooting pre-wedding wedding family
HHong Destiny Production

he took a part time job as an assistant to a commercial wedding photographer. Unlike many other commercial photographers, Ant and his team will always take your photographs using RAW Format.

本地首批透過互聯網招攬客戶的婚攝公司,並同時為行內其他公司提供代工服務,隨著客戶人數增多,我們於 2008 年遷到尖沙咀區經營,繼續為客戶提供優質的攝影及錄影服務.
MMr Lam

OUR SERVICE:*Pre-Wedding Photo*Wedding Day Photo*Family Photo*Portraiture *Events .PRE-WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY (HONG KONG) :- working hours : 10:00-21:00- unlimited shooting

Our professional photography team provides different photography services including commercial, people & portrait, family, pregnancy, graduation and company event photos.
iiPerfect Production Company

picturesque landscape are not the only things that matter to customers or wedding couples. More importantly, great photos document unforgettable memories, precious and memorable moments in the journey
MMito Photography

拍攝一天wedding的時候, 我永遠會以紀錄當日的大小故事為主, 肖像爲二,未經安排的照片才會更具歷史性的價值, 這才是"婚禮攝影".
我想 ....
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