我們不只是攝影 ,而且很有心思地自己製作leftlet .

CCY Poon photography

這裡的服飾包括婚紗、晚裝、Cocktail Dress、Clubbing Dress、Prom Dress、首飾等等,就是女孩子人生中各個重要階段需要的服飾,我們也會細心照顧到,讓妳成為最動人的可人兒!我們的款式時尚、簡約而典雅,並加入時裝元素,以非傳統的方式演繹,表現妳時尚的型格及高貴的氣質;並配合真絲、雪紡、喱士等高級布料,流露妳非一般的品味。
MMs Cheng

婚姻大事應該是幸福、甜蜜和喜悅的,就像 Lovis Sweet 的名字一樣,意思指 love is sweet。Lovis Sweet為你提供各類高貴結婚禮服及晚裝,新娘花球及新娘化妝的服務.
LLovis Sweet

MB Workshop(MB Workshop Photography & Make Up Services)由夫妻檔組合Maggie與Billy共同創立,他們分別擔任化妝師及攝影師,一直本着用心製作、貼心服務的宗旨"以婚照紀錄新人的幸福和喜悅,同時提供高質素的化妝造型服務",致力為新人們提供高質素的本地及海外婚照拍攝、婚禮攝影,以及新娘化妝服務。
MMB Workshop

We provide the HK Pre Wedding / Wedding Day Photography Service For any Service enquiry, please dont hestiate to contact me E : [email protected] Services: * HK Pre Wedding Photography
Hs Photography

Professional Video 提供專家攝影及錄影服務
MMatch Chan Video

Professional in video production - Wedding video, Prewedding music video, Photomontage, motiongraphic
OOveract Prodcution

Services: professional wedding video wedding photography portrait photography event, cooperate production
AArt Benny

儷苑 LY Wedding Service 為每對新人提供不同的婚禮服務,我們以用心及力求完美為服務宗旨,明白到每對新人在籌辦婚禮時都會傾盡心思,為婚禮上各方面都打點得盡善盡美,當中難免會遇到不少的疑難,所以希望可以憑著我們豐富的經驗,細心了解每對新人不同的需要及喜好,幫助您們渡過一個難忘愉快的婚禮。
儷苑 LY Wedding Service

Progressing from a fashion photographer, KT has recently been one of the hottest wedding photographer.
KKenny Tsang

As a former interior designer, he fell in love with photography after having his first affair with his first DSLR camera back in 2007.
KKennyin Photography

Provide services of wedding photography, pre-wedding, bridal make-up
KKenneth Kam Photography

He provides wedding, portrait, commercial and event photography services to private and corporate clients. He has shot in Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia & Prague.
KKay Chu Production

My service can provide snapshot photographers, standard photographers, lighting assistant, and videomen, as well as instant photos.
JJohn Lee Photography

Joe Lun Production provides the full range of videography services from commercial to portrait and weddings.
JJoe Lun Photography

The facshion sense of both founders, Mr. Eric Chan and his wife, Amy Cheng , makes the wedding gown of the BallRoom are not only unique and good in quality but also fashionable. The talent in making u

Subjects tend to be more unique and captured a special you which really help the images become more Lifelike.
JJ.mi Photography
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