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  2. 結婚
  3. 禮品及洋酒

唯一的中國喜慶結婚禮品 喜字頭貴氣刻名筷子 oriental chinese chopsticks chinese wedding

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-11-17 刊登者: MYLove HK



雖然不過是單純的想表達一份最真誠的祝福給客人,但是想像當新人拿在手上感受那雙刻有自己名字的細緻精致時,回想起那段與真愛相遇時的邂逅,一路陪伴走過的用心與真實,客人也能感受和回味呢在西方世界裡,外國人收到這份特別的東方禮物也會樂上半天,常要拿來跟西方朋友SHOW OFF一下呢!

Contact us at http://mylovehk.com or [email protected]


We have a wide range of wedding cards that you can choose from, we also provide customization service for you to design your very own wedding card that best represent you and the most important day of your life. Moreover, we specialize in wedding favors and gifts, revolutionized gift giving with wedding favors full of colorful and modern designs, creative and practical party favors, and lasting mementos as christening favors.

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