“What I call 'real' wine comes straight from the cellar door, has extra flavor, extra elements of pleasure, and somehow anyone, even a newcomer to wine, can feel its inherent quality and goodness.
The diary takes you to ‘real wine’ cellars in Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Portugal, Spain and throughout France – Champagne, Bordeaux, the Loire, the Rhône Valley, Beaujolais, the wilds of Roussillon and the deep south. There’s more being added all the time too.
As far as we know, no merchant in the world takes anywhere near as much trouble or travels quite so far to find quality wine. At the last count, we'd put over 53 previously unheard-of wine regions 'on the map'. In the last twelve months alone, we travelled 180,000 miles and tasted over 30,000 wines to produce a range which combines richness, concentration and complexity.
tel:3071 5085