The BEST place to buy wine online in Hong Kong.

本公司是一間建基於香港,主要經營酒類進口、分銷和轉口業務,致力發展香港、澳門及中國市場。產品來自世界各地著名酒廠,當中以銷售智利、法國、西班牙、 意大利及澳洲等酒類產品為主。
WWinpo Asia Limited

提供產品:法國紅酒, 智利紅酒, 澳洲紅酒, 以色列紅酒, 中國紅酒, 希臘紅酒, 紐西蘭紅酒, 義大利紅酒, 威士忌紅酒,白酒法國,婚宴紅酒等.
DDelight Wine Cellar 燊鋒酒窖

提供產品:韩国烧酒, 兰姆酒, 另类甜酒(利口酒), 甜酒(利口酒), 龙舌兰酒, 伏特加 ,威士忌,餐酒类, 香檳類, 新世界葡萄酒, 旧世界葡萄酒, 粉红汽酒等.
滙泉國際有限公司 Telford International Company Limited


energetic and experienced wine professionals who dedicated to provide diversified wine services to all local and overseas wine lovers.
萬勤酒業 McCaine Wines

溢醇洋酒 H E Fine Wines Limited

While the company is young we are able to draw on a wealth of experience in the wine trade.
WWell Spring Wines

Vitis Wine Company selectively chooses the best wines for the best value from various small to medium sized wineries across the globe, including Germany, Australia and France.
VVitis Wine

private or corporate functions covering cocktails, wine tastings, dinners, weddings or other celebratory banquets, both formal and informal.

As earlier to help small independent wine importers to distribute their wines to both private and F&B customers.
VVinspiration (Hong Kong)

Why spend the energy to travel and carry the heavy bottles yourself? Try our service now!
VVins Spot Fine Wines Company

我們是專門提供珍貴的膜拜酒及Cote d'Or (特別是種植者香檳)的葡萄酒進口商。正如我們的願景,我們團隊樂意為提供選擇葡萄酒的專業意見,同時我們也是您的"私人侍酒僮",囿育你的獨一無二的品味。
TTina Cellar

Sava Wines Limited was founded in 2009 as a small wine business focusing primarily on private sales.
SSava Wines Limited

We are proud to present you with a selection of our Premium and Organic range sold at competitive prices!
SS D German Wines Ltd

Our Wine Accessory portfoilio is top notch and offers proven products from brands such as Vinturi, Metrokane and Wine Away.
SSolera (Hong Kong) Limited

officially launched the Schmidt Vinothek on 28 March 2012, Hong Kong’s first-ever wine cellar, featuring the exquisite collection of the finest wines.
SSchmidt Marketing (HK) Ltd

我們是紅酒世界的其中一個棟樑/支柱。 我們支持真正的葡萄酒生產商。
PPillariwine Co., Ltd

The history of the Far East is full of bold and daring adventurers heading into unknown territory in search of fortune.
OOmtis Fine Wines Spirits

We aim to offer some unique choices in addition to commonly encountered wines.
RRegis Wine
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