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紅妝~手造 新娘頭飾~Red Chong Handmade

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-01-16 刊登者: Red Chong Handmade Bridal Accessories 紅妝 手造新娘頭飾


Red Chong Handmade

Red Chong Handmade is a Hong Kong based designer of bridal headpieces. All pieces in my vintage collection are handmade and produced with a commitment of time and to create a distinctive bridal hair adornment which is exclusive to the bride. Please contact me by e-mail: [email protected]

Facebook fan page : www.facebook.com/loveworkshop  ( Please "like")

紅妝 ~ 手造新娘頭飾

自家設計新娘/舞台/宴會頭飾. 所有頭飾獨一無二, 全是自家創作及人手製造. 如欲購買, 請電郵至 [email protected] 

請到facebook 專頁 : www.facebook.com/loveworkshop (請 "讚" 喔!!!)



聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性