

特色雙人床 手動佈景 獨立手洗間 化粧間 出租時間以上午9am至晚上12pm 年中無休 網上預約 http://yeungtammy.wix.com/carrot#!contact/c1d94
San Saran

專門拍攝各項生日會活動, 會所, 專題餐廳, playgroup, 麥當勞生日會, 集體生日會, 小朋友聚會.
GGrand Photo Service Company

位於荃灣的Themes Production Studio約1700呎,場地可以容納30-40人,適合提供人像,小孩及寵物的拍攝及聚會場地。
TThemes P. Studio

提供服務:產品攝影,Pre-wedding,攝影,婚禮攝影,人像攝影,event 攝影,日常生活,潮流時尚
RRaymond Ng

Specializing on shooting poeple and fashion. With his delicate sensitivity
FFranklin Lau

We are particularly fortunate to pursue this in Asia, where the contemporary visual language and application of this genre is constantly exciting and being re-defined.
RRost Production

paul specializes in portrait,fashion and corporate photography in both natual and created light
PPaul Hu

MARK CHUNG PHOTOGRAPHY:Advertising & Editorial , Fashion , People
MMark Chung

He provide professional service to fashion brand, garment manufacturer, corporate, editorial, celebrities, designers and the leading international advertising agencies.
KKen Kan

The HKIPP co-operates with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Arts Centre, Technical Institutes and major equipment & suppliers to hold meetings and seminars to discuss professional
TThe Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP)

house warming photos

位於荃灣的Themes Studio 1700呎,提供朋友團體攝影服務 適合各朋友團體 舊同學 同事 等等
TThemes studio Friends Photography

位於荃灣的Themes Studio 提供couple photography 情侶夫婦攝影服務 適合結婚週年 拍拖週年 禮物
TThemes Studio Couple Photography

Themes Studio at Tsuen wan for rental , photo studio and make up for rental 位於荃灣的Themes Studio 面積約1700呎,化妝間佔180呎
TThemes Studio Rental Service

位於荃灣的Themes Studio 提供家庭攝影服務 可包括家庭攝影服務 或幾位畢業生一同拍攝 $588起
tthemes studio graduate photography

位於荃灣的Themes Studio 提供家庭攝影服務 全家幅 生活家庭照 大家庭 小家庭
TThemes Studio Family Photography

位於荃灣的Themes Studio 提供兒童攝影服務 服務可包括家庭攝影服務 0-4個月寶寶 5個月至2歲寶寶 3歲至10歲寶寶 全程由女攝影
TThemes Studio Kids Photography

位於荃灣的Themes Studio 提供嬰兒及兒童攝影服務 0-4個月大bb 5個月至2歲大bb 3歲至10歲大小朋友 全程由女攝影師進行拍攝
tthemes studio baby photography
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