1. 88DB
  2. 旅遊
  3. 旅遊優惠

台湾的士"环台刷卡包车" 畅游台中逢甲一中街 东海教堂彩虹村 高美湿地台中渔港 南投日月潭清境 合欢山太鲁阁 花莲七星潭清水断崖 台东三仙台 台北西门町 九份金瓜石 平溪菁桐 十分金山老街 垦丁大街

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2016-11-02 刊登者: Jenkins

Welcome to Taiwan Best Jenkins ad !! 


Thanks for all of ur support from Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macao, in order to let u come to Taiwan more convenient, we have the Newest & Fastest way to solve ur problem about changing NTD, no longer to wasting time and concern too much or to less money u change or not,「 JUST A "CREDIT CARD" CAN DO ANYTHING IN TAIWAN」!  believe it or not, just come here quickly to enjoy the Newest way to having fun. 

Wainting ur coming sincerely, Jenkins


網站 (fanspage):https://www.facebook.com/Taxiforfun

部落格 (Blog):http://jenkins491116.pixnet.net/blog

My e-mail:[email protected] / [email protected]



(more details abt days trip, booking hotel, pick-up service include Airport, Thsr etc; all u can e-mail to me to help u reply ur question immediatly!)


联络资料:(Contact me)

(+886)960610388【Line, Wechat, whatsapp, Tango



ps.请注明(1.日期 2.人数 3.行李数 4.行程or提供必去的景点)

plz mark (1.Date 2.how many peole 3.how many luggage/bags 4.Ur schedual/or the places want to go )

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性