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  3. 健身

Pangea Align Fitness is a specialized approach to exercise and health

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-10-31 刊登者: Pangea Align Fitness

Pangea Align Fitness

Pangea Align Fitness is a specialized approach to exercise and health. The concept of Align Fitness is exercising and training with correct alignment physically, mentally and emotionally.

Inspired by the lack of understanding on the importance of basic postural alignment whilst exercising and having worked with clients for years that have damaged their bodies from instructors with little understanding on these fundamental concepts, the Pangea team decided to educate and equip exercisers on the importance of Align Fitness.

We encourage our members to be self aware during exercise, this will begin to filter into your every day lives when you will start correcting yourselves on the way you sit at your desk, hold your phone and even breathe.

Our bodies are superbly adaptable and they will find a way to cope with the strain you place on them on a daily basis. However, your body can be so much more effective and through our services, you will learn to understand your body, enjoy the way it moves and embrace your exercise as part of your lives.

Pangea offers Body Control Pilates, a specialized approach to Pilates, Wing Chun Kung Fu from Sifu’s qualified and still training under world authority Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin, Instructor training courses in both these disciplines, Kids Wing Chun classes and meditation sessions.

John Cogan
Phone:+852 6140 8245
Email:[email protected]

Website :http://pangea.com.hk

8/F, On Lan Centre
11-15 On Lan Street
Central, Hong Kong.

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