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Professional Table Tennis Coach (Derek Yeung) 專業乒乓球教練

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-06-01 刊登者: derekycc

本人曾於England,Scotland及本港教授乒乓球,俱有一套獨有教學心得.部份學生奪得全港賽的獎項及入讀名校.現本人再招收學生不多於3人作重點栽培,私人教授. 如家長有興趣而小朋友又對乒乓球感興趣, 可與本人聯絡,電話 97350750 or you can email me. My email address is as follows: [email protected] 

資歷: 本人現為香港乒乓總會註冊中級教練及香港甲組球員.

Qualification for Coaching:1.  A HKTTA certified table tennis coach (Second level coach)   2. One of the top 100 players in Hong Kong now ( Band A player)

任教地區: 任何

Coaching place: Available for training at your place or somewhere that's good for you

個人成績 及 簡介:

1. 2009-2010年英國倫敦巡迴站(Band B) 冠軍

2. 第一屆香港運動會男雙冠軍

3. 第二屆香港運動會男雙亞軍

4. 曾代表法國 COMBS LA VILLE 乒乓球會參與當地賽事

5. 曾私人任教蘇格蘭國家女子隊隊員 Rebecca Russell , 前英國國家女子隊隊員 Lindsey Thornton

6. 曾私人教授多年的學生現已進入香港青少年代表隊-現役男子隊隊員

My trophies and the self-introduction

1.  2009-2010 Bribar London tournament Band B Winner

2.  The 1st Hong Kong Games Table Tennis Champion (Men’s Doubles)

3.  The 2nd Hong Kong Games Table Tennis First runner-up (Men’s Doubles)

4.  To play a local competition for the COMBS LA VILLE Table Tennis Club in France

5.  I was coaching Rebecca Rusell , the Scotland Number one now  and Lindsey Thornton , Ex-national team player for England

6.  One of my past students is now playing for Hong Kong National Youth team 

If any foreigners  fancy some coaching sessions from me, don't hesitate to contact me.


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性