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Simple past tense(過去式):
e.g I went to beach yesterday.

Simple present tense(現在式):

e .g I wake up at 7am everyday.

e.g Fish swims in water.

通常有every day/morning/....會用simple present tense

Present continuous tense(現在進行式):

e.g I am singing now.

like, love,help,enjoy,hate,despite,look forward to...後面
e.g  I like eating.

Future tense(將來式):

講將來,見到next day/year/month, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...會用
e.g I will go to China next month.

Past Perfect Tense (過去完成式):

Subject + had + past participle of verb (過去分詞)


第一件發生的事用過去完成式, 第二件發生的事用過去式. 不論句子先後次序如何, 例句:

e.g By the time I got home, my mother had already cooked dinner.

      (兩件事都係過去發生, 但例句:我回家的時候, 我媽媽已經煮好晚餐.

      用past perfect 可以清楚表明較早發生的事件,而past tense用來後來發生的事)

Past Perfect Continuous Tense(過去完成進行式):

Past Perfect Continuous Tense 表示一個動作比 Simple Past Tense 更早發
生,持續至 Simple Past,有可能會繼續至 Present。它的用法與 Present Perfect Continuous Tense 相同,只是時態推前了個單位。

E.g.:We had been waiting for half an hour when the bus finally arrived.

注意:與 Present Perfect 及 Present Perfect Continuous 一樣,Past Perfect 有強調 "曾經做過" 和 "次數" 的特性。而 Past Perfect Continuous 就有 "做過多久" 的特性。

e.g The thief simply walked in. Someone had forgotten to lock the door.

      (有人忘記鎖門在先, 賊輕易入屋在後. 所以賊係用過去式, 而鎖門用過去完成式)

e.g Sandy had already left when Ann got there.

      (Ann 來到時, Sandy 已經走左, 所以Ann 用過去式, Sandy 用過去完成式)


a.兩件事件必需係過去發生, 其中一件係將來式現在發生也不能用過去完成式.

b.兩件事情必需發生在過去唔同既時期. 而唔係過去同一個時段發生
