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Eat Right Part 3: How Food affects Your Body

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After understanding the history and evolution of blood type and the basic theory of agglutination, the next step is to discover the effects of food lectins on our body.

Lectins: The Diet Connection

A chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods that you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. It is amazing but true that today, in the late twentieth century, your immune and digestive systems still maintain favoritism for foods that your blood type ancestors ate.

Lectins, abundant and diverse proteins found in foods, have agglutinating properties that affect your blood. Lectins are a powerful way for organisms to attach themselves to other organisms in nature. Lots of germs, and even our immune systems, used this superglue to their benefit. For example, cells in our liver's bile ducts have lectins on their surfaces to help them snatch up bacteria and parasites. Bacteria and other microbes have lectins on their surfaces, as well, which work rather like suction cups, so they can attach to the slippery mucosal lining of the body.

When you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ or bodily systems (kidney, liver, brain, stomach, etc) and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. Many food lectins have characteristics that are close enough to a certain blood type antigen to make it an ‘enemy' to another. For example, milk has B-like qualities, if a person with Type A blood drinks it, their system will immediately start the agglutinating process and reject it.

Good and Bad about Lectins

GOOD: Agglutinate with other germs and harmful invaders for proper removal by the immune systems. This happens when cancer cells or a population of pathogens forced to stick together for better disposal by natural defense system.

BAD: Food that renders beneficial for one blood type may be an ‘enemy' to other blood type. Agglutination in long term will cause chronic problems such as diseases and complications to organs late in life.

The Basics of Beneficial, Neutral and Avoid

In order to eat right for your blood type, foods are generally categorized in three main sections:

Beneficial / Highly Beneficial is a food that acts like a medicine.
Neutral is a food that acts like a food.
Avoid is a food that acts like a poison.

There are a wide variety of foods in each diet, so don't worry about limitations. When possible, show preference for the highly beneficial foods over the neutral foods, but feel free to enjoy the neutral foods that suits you; they won't harm you from the standpoint of lectins, and they contain nutrients that are necessary for a balanced diet.

The Basics of Nutrition

Many theories evolved in the recent years on what is the optimal combination of protein, carbohydrate and fats that will produce optimal health.  Many swayed towards the interest of weight loss.  If we look back at the entire civilization and study how mankind adapted their diets for the purpose of survival and compare it with the time-line of blood type-anthropology, we will clearly realize and appreciate why a single diet plan cannot satisfy everyone.

     Blood Type O

Blood Type A

Blood Type B

Blood Type AB

40% fruits & vegetables

70% fruits & vegetables

54% fruits, vegetables & grains

60% fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts

40% meat protein

21% soy, nuts & little fish and poultry

33% lean meat & dairy products

20% meat

20% oil

9% oil

13% oil

20% oil

Ground Zero

Everyone who is interested in blood type diet begins at different level of so-called compliance and different state of health.  In order to reap remarkable benefits from your individualized blood type diet, you must first restore or undo the damages to achieve the neutral or ground zero state.  This can be done by either a strict adhesion to the recommended diet and/or a combination of supplements to help you tie through, especially when the beneficial foods are not readily available or certain constraints like religion that forbid your change in diet.

After knowing the important roles play by food to our body, next you'll be shown the diet plan suitable for each blood type. Stay tune for "Eat Right Part 4: The Blood Type Plan"

HuaiChih is a business partner of Easy Pha-max, the global largest e-Herbs center. Easy Pha-max is leader in biotechnology of herbal health supplement. Most of our products are formulated according to blood types(eg: Bio-Refine and Bio-Prolife). Hence, each product is specially blended with different selection of herbal ingredients to maximize the benefits of our customers.

For more information about herbal health products, testimonials and FAQ, please visit Easy Pha-max Center