how to inquiry pvc bag ?Most of the cosmetic companies,promotional gift bag companies import pvc bag for their products.but some of them have no knowledge about pvc bag. And do not know how to get quotation from pvc bag suppliers. i collect some good idea about plastic pvc bag from my many years experience for your reference. From The information effect pvc bag price a lot including: pvc bag size,thickness,printing(how many colours of the printing,and erea),what is the quantity you like ? most of pvc bags are different thickness,such as 0.2mm ,0.3mm,0.4mm,0.5mm.usually 0.2-0.3mm thickness pvc film used for pvc bag is good. If too thick,pvc bags will feel hard and the price will be much high. As the quantity,if you have a large quantity,and will get a big discount. As most of the pvc bags factories do not have pvc film in stock and have to order the material as your request. From If your inquiry mail including these information,most of the pvc bag supplies will think you a professional buyer and will give you a good price and also control the quality well when massive production