5. do you know how luggage words come out ?I collect some information about luggage history about luggage words,it is really interesting and usefull for our referenceLuggage - 1596, from lug (v.) "to drag;" so, lit. "what has to be lugged about" (or, in Johnson's definition, "any thing of more bulk than value"). In 20c., the usual word for "baggage belonging to passengers."Luggage is any number of bag cases and containers which hold a traveller’s baggage,during trip. The modern person can be expected to have packages containing bottle,clothes,shoes,food, toiletries, small possessions, trip necessities, and on the return-trip, For some, luggage and the style thereof is representative of the owner's value from http://www.niceindustry.net/ Baggage can be synonymous with "luggage", or can refer to the train of people and goods, both military and of a personal nature, which commonly followed pre-modern armies on campaign. The baggage was considered a strategic resource and closely guarded. Luggage has changed over time. Historically the most common types of luggage were chest made of wood or other heavy materials. These would be shipped by professional movers. Since the 1910 smaller and more lightweight suitcase and bags that can be carried by an individual have become the main form of luggage.Above is a usefull information for luggage,about how this words come out. If anyone have more information aout luggage,welcome to post for our reader reference.it will be a good job.