設施上網服務, 商務休息室, 茶水間, 餐飲服務, 會議設施, 會議室, 接待服務, 速遞/郵寄服務, 設有影印機 /傳真機, 個人化電話接聽服務, 虛擬辦公室, 其他

Good and convenient location btw Ya Ma Tei and Jordan MTRs, top floor with good and bright view, suitable for a single in flexible short term or long term stay

The perfect place to experience the buzz, leisure and convenience of the city.
L物業地產 / 服務式住宅Luard On the Park

The unique charming neighbourhood with winding streets is made up with lots of contemporary arts galleries. designer workshops. tradition antique shops, chic bars and cafes.
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Mier Serviced Apartments

底層, 實用330呎, 2房1廳,1廚,1浴廁,合兩人住 設備: 冷氣,熱水爐,電磁爐,抽油煙機,,洗衣機,雪櫃,微波爐,沙發,餐枱
p物業地產 / 住宅出租peggypig2020

放租 中環伊利近街28號萬城閣22樓A室。包差餉、管理費,租金17.3K。聯絡趙生。92896554。


物業地產 / 住宅出租張小姐 Fiona
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